curioustorvald / Terrarum

Modular game engine for a side-scrolling tilemap platformer, and a game that runs on top of it
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Musicbox instrument virtual instrument #7

Open curioustorvald opened 7 years ago

curioustorvald commented 7 years ago

Click sound with resonant sound would do the job, some noise filtering might be required.

curioustorvald commented 7 years ago

Currently testing with LogicPro EXS, the 'noise' is turned out to be as a serious thing.

curioustorvald commented 5 years ago

Why not just play the "tick" sound and "resonance" sound separately? Or mix them like: 0.5 TICK + 0.5 RESO_MIX, where RESO_MIX is all the resonances mixed into one.