cute-jumper / evil-embrace.el

Evil integration of embrace.el
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No surrounding delimiters found in simple parenthesis case #12

Open Schievel1 opened 5 months ago

Schievel1 commented 5 months ago


I am setting my emacs to text-mode for this because I heard there are some issues with other major modes sometimes.

when I have a simple thing like this:


and I put point inside the parenthesis, say on b for example, then I press ds( it says "No surrounding delimiters found" in the minibuffer.

I noticed that when I have


for example, put point on b and press ysiw( it inserts parenthesis like this:

( abc )

And with this, ds( works.

When I disable evil-embrace integration using M-x evil-embrace-disable-evil-surround-integration evil-surround works as expected and deletes the parenthesis around (abc) with ds(

countvajhula commented 2 months ago

FYI: As I understand it, this issue affects (all?) Doom Emacs users due to it enabling embrace and surround integration by default. It appears that evil-embrace is the right place to start investigating the cause.

Schievel1 commented 2 months ago

Well all Doom Emacs users that have the evil module activated. (Which is almost all to be fair) I reported this bug at evil-surround as well and they send me here. The issue is only present with evil-embrace activated indeed.