Evil integration of [[https://github.com/cute-jumper/embrace.el][embrace.el]].
Overview This package provides evil integration of [[https://github.com/cute-jumper/embrace.el][embrace.el]]. Since =evil-surround= provides a similar set of features as =embrace.el=, this package aims at adding the goodies of =embrace.el= to =evil-surround= and making =evil-surround= even better.
Why =evil-surround= is good when there is a text object defined. But unfortunately, if you want to add custom surrouding pairs, =evil-surround= will not be able to delete/change the pairs if there are no evil text objects defined for these pairs. For example, if you want to make =\textbf{= and =}= as a surround pair in =LaTeX-mode=, you can't either change or delete the surround pair since there is no text object for =\textbf{= and =}=. However, using =embrace=, you can define whatever surrounding pairs you like, and adding, changing, and deleting will always work.
The idea of this package is that let =evil-surround= handle the keys that corresponds to existing text objects (i.e., =(=, =[=, etc.), which is what =evil-surround= is good at, and make =embrace= handles all the other keys of custom surrounding pairs so that you can also benefit from the extensibility that =embrace= offers.
In a word, you can use the default =evil-surround=. But whenever you want to add a custom surrounding pair, use =embrace= instead. To see how to add a custom pair in =embrace=, look at the README of [[https://github.com/cute-jumper/embrace.el][embrace.el]].
Usage To enable the =evil-surround= integration: : (evil-embrace-enable-evil-surround-integration)
And use =evil-embrace-disable-evil-surround-integration= to disable whenever you don't like it.
The keys that are processed by =evil-surround= are saved in the variable =evil-embrace-evil-surround-keys=. The default value is: : (?( ?[ ?{ ?) ?] ?} ?\" ?\' ?< ?> ?b ?B ?t)
Note that this variable is buffer-local. You should change it in the hook: : (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook : (lambda () : (add-to-list 'evil-embrace-evil-surround-keys ?o)))
Only these keys saved in the variable are processed by =evil-surround=, and all the other keys will be processed by =embrace=.
If you find the help message popup annoying, use the following code to disable it: : (setq evil-embrace-show-help-p nil)
Screencasts Use the following settings: : (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'embrace-org-mode-hook) : (evil-embrace-enable-evil-surround-integration)
In an org-mode file, we can change the surrounding pair in the following way (note that this whole process can't be achieved solely by =evil-surround=):