cvickery / IEEE-754

Web page to analyze IEEE-754 floating point values.
MIT License
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IEEE-754 Analyzers

This is the code for the “IEEE-754 Analyzers” web site hosted at

Originally created as a student project to parse floating-point numbers, the code serves as a reference source for people who want to learn how the IEEE-754 standard works and/or to verify the correctness of code written for applications that work directly with floating-point values.

See the web site’s FAQ for details.

If you want to clone the analyzers, or just study the code, these are the source code files used:

btd.cpp C++ binary to decimal converter dtb.cpp C++ decimal to binary converter computeBin.php AJAX server for dtb computeDec.php AJAX server for btd analyzer.js User Interactions numeric_value.js Numeric calculations

To host the analyzers, you will need a web server that supports PHP.

You will need a copy of jQuery and jquery.hotkeys for user interactions. The versions used by the online analyzers are available in the scripts directory.

You will also need to install the GNU Multiprecision Library in order to build bdt and dtb.

Christopher Vickery
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science
Queens College of CUNY