cvtienhoven / graylog-plugin-nexmo

AlarmCallback plugin to send alerts from Graylog to the Nexmo SMS platform.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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NexmoAlarmCallback Plugin for Graylog

Build Status

Required Graylog version: 2.0 and later

This plugin enables you to call the Nexmo SMS API.


Download the plugin and place the .jar file in your Graylog plugin directory. The plugin directory is the plugins/ folder relative from your graylog-server directory by default and can be configured in your graylog.conf file.

Restart graylog-server and you are done.

Use cases

This plugin is useful when you need to receive alerts by SMS and you have a subscription at Nexmo.


Configure the alarm callback

You can configure an alert condition in Graylog and add the Nexmo Alarm Callback as the Callback Type. In the popup that occurs you can configure the options to send the SMS. You can enter multiple recipients (comma separated). In the text field, the values [stream] and [source] will be replaced by the stream title and the source of the first message in the message backlog (if any).

Getting started

This project is using Maven 3 and requires Java 8 or higher.

Plugin Release

We are using the maven release plugin:

$ mvn release:prepare
$ mvn release:perform

This sets the version numbers, creates a tag and pushes to GitHub. Travis CI will build the release artifacts and upload to GitHub automatically.