cwhite92 / Plymouth-Entrepreneurs-Society

Networking website for the Plymouth Entrepreneurs Society
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Entrepreneurs Society

A website which will enable users to register and network between each other in order to find people who want something done and people who have the skills to do it.

Tasks Assigned-to Status
Blogging engine Jake Completed
Rich text editor Ed Completed
Profile editor Chris Completed
Online indicator Ed/Jake Completed
Admin indicator Ed/Jake Completed
Report abuse system Levi Not started
Create new admin system Jake Completed
Event posting Jake Completed
Account verification Chris Completed
Link profile with skills page Chris Completed
Skill search Chris Completed
RSS for blog Jake Not started
RSS for events Jake Not started
Integrate template w/ backend Ed Completed
Design admin panel Levi Completed
Sponsors list Chris Completed
Services Page Jake Completed

Some good things to know

To do some development...

This process needs to be followed every time you decide to do some development work.

  1. Grab the latest version of the website files using GitHub for Windows/Mac. This is essential as other people may have made changes and if you don't have the latest files you may break something.
  2. The database settings in app/Config/database.php may be different from the settings you need. Change them to the settings you need. Generally this will just be a database_name change, for best results set up the database as I have done so you don't need to change anything.
  3. If the database schema has been changed you may get some Cake or SQL errors. Make sure you import the new database SQL file (in the root directory of the application) so you have the latest changes. If you make changes to the database, please upload the SQL dump (you can "export" from phpMyAdmin) so people can get the latest schema.
  4. Go work some magic and wizardry on the code.
  5. Commit the changes back to GitHub using GitHub for Windows/Mac. It's essential that you do this for every feature that you've completed so we can track who's done what.

And please, for the love of God

Have a read through the CakePHP cookbook, specifically the parts about Routes, Models, Views and Controllers. and do the blog tutorial. There's nothing worse than looking at someone's changes and realising it all needs to be rewritten because they didn't follow conventions or code it the way they should. The only way we'll all stay sane and finish this project on time is if you all do this.

thx bbz <3 xoxoxo