cwi-dis / CEAP-360VR-Dataset

Dataset and source code for "CEAP-360VR: A Continuous Physiological and Behavioral Emotion Annotation Dataset for 360° Videos" in IEEE Transactions in Multimedia
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360-video dataset emotion machine-learning virtual-reality

CEAP-360VR: A Continuous Physiological and Behavioral Emotion Annotation Dataset for 360° Videos

General Information

We develop the CEAP-360VR dataset ( to address the lack of continuously annotated behavioral and physiological datasets for 360 video VR affective computing. Accordingly, this dataset contains a) questionnaires (SSQ, IPQ, NASA-TLX); b) continuous valence-arousal annotations; c) head and eye movements as well as left and right eye pupil diameters while watching videos; d) peripheral physiological responses (ACC, EDA, SKT, BVP, HR, IBI). Our dataset also concludes the data pre-processing, data validating scripts, along with dataset description and key steps in the stage of data acquisition and pre-processing.

Dataset Structure

The CEAP-360VR folder contains the following six subfolders

The following is a detailed description of each sub-file:


- VideoThumbNails
    contains the eight thumbNails for each video (.jpg)
- VideoInfo.json
    contains the detailed information for eight videos


- PXX_Questionnaire_Data.json (X = 1, 2, ..., 32)
    contains questionnaire data for each participant


- Raw
    contains the raw annotation data captured from the Joy-Con joystick for each participant
- Transformed
    contains the transformed valence-arousal data generated from the raw data for each participant
- Frame
    contains the re-sampled annotation data from the transformed data for each participant


- Raw
    contains the raw behavior data captured from the HTC VIVE Pro Eye Tobii Device for each participant
- Transformed
    contains the transformed heam/eye movement data (pitch/yaw) generated from the raw data, as well as pupil diameter data for each participant
- Frame
    contains the re-sampled behavior data generated from the transformed data for each participant
- HM_ScanPath
    contains the head scanpath data generated from the transformed data for each participant
- EM_Fixation
    contains the eye gaze fixation data generated from the transformed data for each participant


- Raw
    contains the raw physiological data captured from the Empatica E4 wristband for each participant
- Transformed
    contains the transformed physiological data generated from the raw data for each participant
- Frame
    contains the re-sampled physiological data from the transformed data for each participant


- Unity Project
    contains the complete project of our user-controlled experiment (Unity 2018.4.1f1, HTC VIVE Pro Eye HMD)
- Data Processed
    contains scripts that undertake the pre-processing steps for converting the raw data to the transformed/frame data in the transformed and frame folders.
    conatins scripts for continuous annotation, behavior and physiological data analysis and visualization.
- CEAP-360VR_Baseline
    contains scripts to generate processed behavioral and physiological data with V-A labels for deep learning experiments and features for machine learning experiments.
    contains scripts to run ML and DL experiments under both  subject-dependent and subject-independent model.
- Example Jupyter Notebook
    contains an example on how to load the dataset as pandas DataFrames depending on the participant id, data types, and processing level. Also, code to load the whole dataset in a single dataframe with synced timestamps @30Hz, without missing values and with target class labels to be used in classification tasks.

Dataset Description

The CEAP-360VR Dataset Description.pdf introduces the dataset description and key steps in the stage of data acquisition and pre-processing.

Dataset License

CEAP-360VR dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.


Please cite our paper in any published work that uses this dataset as follows:


  1. We have performed the time alignment of different types of data and videos for each participant, as well as the proceesing scripts that can be used to generate both the transformed and frame data.
    Researchers can run their analysis methods on them.

  2. For researchers who want to try other data processing methods, you can directly use the raw data.


The CEAP-360VR Dataset is maintained by Key Laboratory of Digital Performance and Simulation Technology at Beijing Institute of Technology and the Distributed & Interactive Systems (DIS) research group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica .

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