cwi-dis / cwi-pcl-codec

Point Cloud Codec invented by Rufael Mekuria, based on PCL (Point Cloud Library)
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Copyright (c) 2017-, Stichting Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI).


This distribution contains a codec for encoding/decoding 3D Point Cloud data streams, and a toolset for its objective evaluation.
The codec is described in detail in a journal paper(R. Mekuria, K. Blom, and P. Cesar, "Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Point Cloud Codec for Tele-Immersive Video," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 27(4): 828 -842, 2017, of which a preprint is available at:
The codec has served as the software to generate the anchors for the Call for Proposals for Point Cloud Compression by the MPEG working group 3DG-PCC on PointCloud Compression (

This version can be build on MacOSX 10.14.3 macOS Mojave (using Homebrew), Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) (using 'apt') or Windows 10 bit, using pre-build PointCloudLibrary(PCL) installers, or on many other systems by downloading and building PCL and its dependencies. The code has been updated s.t. it works with PCL-1.10.0

This package contains:

To use it, several dependencies (Boost,Eigen,Flann,QHull,VTK and libjpeg-turbo) need to be installed:


Mac OSX 10.15.3 Installation:


Installation on Windows 10 (older Windows versions won't work):

Ubuntu 18.04 Install PCL 1.8.1 using binary packages:

Now the codec libraries and evaluation tools can be build by typing 'make' in the directory that was specified in 'cmake-gui' to build the binaries. The application can be found in 'apps/evaluate_compression'.

Not so easy (tedious, but not difficult) install PCL 1.10.0 from source: (all platforms):

Running the evaluation program

The following arguments are recognized by the program 'evaluate_compression':
(long version arguments without '--' can also be put in a file 'parameter_config.txt' in the working directory or its parent)

-h [ --help ] produce help message
-K [ --K_outlier_filter ] arg (=0) K neighbours for radius outlier filter
--radius arg (=0.01) radius outlier filter, maximum radius
-g [ --group_size ] arg (=0) maximum number of files to be compressed together (0=read all files, then en(de)code 1 by 1)
-f [ --bb_expand_factor ] arg (=0.2) bounding box expansion to keep bounding box equal accross frames
-a [ --algorithm ] arg (=V2) compression algorithm ('V1' or 'V2')
-i [ --input_directories ] arg Directory containing supported files (.pcd or .ply)
-o [ --output_directory ] arg Directory to store decompressed pointclouds (.ply)
-s [ --show_statistics ] [=arg(=1)] (=0) gather and show a bunch of releavant statistical data
-v [ --visualization ] [=arg(=1)] (=0) show both original and decoded PointClouds graphically
-p [ --point_resolution ] arg (=0.2) XYZ resolution of point coordinates
-r [ --octree_resolution ] arg (=0.2) voxel size
-b [ --octree_bits ] arg (=11) octree resolution (bits)
-c [ --color_bits ] arg (=8) color resolution (bits)
-e [ --enh_bits ] arg (=0) bits to code the points towards the center
-t [ --color_coding_type ] arg (=1) pcl=0,jpeg=1 or graph transform
-m [ --macroblock_size ] arg (=16) size of macroblocks used for predictive frame (has to be a power of 2)
--keep_centroid arg (=0) keep voxel grid positions or not
--create_scalable arg (=0) create scalable bitstream (not yet implemented)
--do_connectivity_coding arg (=0) connectivity coding (not yet implemented)
--icp_on_original arg (=0) icp_on_original
-q [ --jpeg_quality ] arg (=0) jpeg quality parameter
-d [ --do_delta_coding ] arg (=0) use delta (predictive) en(de)coding
--do_quality_computation arg (=0) compute quality of en(de)coding
--do_icp_color_offset arg (=0) do color offset en(de)coding on predictive frames
-j [ --num_threads ] arg (=1) number of parallel threads (1=default, single thread, no parallel execution)
--intra_frame_quality_csv arg (=intra_frame_quality.csv) intra frame coding quality results filename (.csv file)
--predictive_quality_csv arg (=predictive_quality.csv) predictive coding quality results file name (.csv file)
--debug_level arg (=0) debug print level (0=no debug print, 3=all debug print)

The precise meanings of these parameters are explained in the journal paper mentioned above.

Apr.6, 2017, updated: Jun 25, 2017, Apr. 23, 2018, Mar.19, 2019 and Mr. 16, 2020.

Kees Blom ( CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands