ARIAC (Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition) is a competition hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Core code for complete ARIAC competition see cwru_ariac Readme
rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual3b.yaml `rospack find cwru_ariac`/config/final.yaml
rosrun robot_move_as robot_move_as
rosrun cwru_ariac laser_speedometer_bae
rosrun cwru_ariac competition_main
roslaunch cwru_ariac run_comp.launch
For qual1a:
rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual1a.yaml `rospack find cwru_ariac`/config/qual1.yaml
OR, for qual1b:
rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual1b.yaml `rospack find cwru_ariac`/config/qual1.yaml
Then run:
rosrun robot_move_as robot_move_as
rosrun cwru_ariac qualifier1
For qual2a:
rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual2a.yaml `rospack find cwru_ariac`/config/qual2.yaml
OR, for qual2b:
rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual2b.yaml `rospack find cwru_ariac`/config/qual2.yaml
Then run:
rosrun robot_move_as robot_move_as
rosrun cwru_ariac qualifier2
For qual3a:
rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual3a.yaml `rospack find cwru_ariac`/config/qual3.yaml
OR, for qual3b:
rosrun osrf_gear -f `catkin_find --share osrf_gear`/config/qual3b.yaml `rospack find cwru_ariac`/config/qual3.yaml
Then run:
rosrun robot_move_as robot_move_as
rosrun cwru_ariac qualifier3
See: Setup
The lastest ARIAC version as of 6/11/17 is 1.1.4 We will always keep using the lastest ARIAC version.
To check your current ARIAC version, run following command:
dpkg -s ariac|grep Version
To update your ARIAC, run following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade ariac
Version MK1
Start the laser speedometer:
rosrun cwru_ariac laser_speedometer_bae
Start a laser scanner untility test node:
rosrun cwru_ariac laser_scanner_test
(If you choose to output the images and .csv files, they will be stored under the directory where you run the node.)
To control the conveyor belt:
rosservice call /ariac/conveyor/control "state: {power: 0}"
(Set the power value yourself.)
The topic /ariac/latest_conveyor_part
is used to publish whatever is the last part that has passed laser_profiler_2.