cwulfman / spatreme

FastAPI-based web application for Spatrem
MIT License
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+title: Spatrem Online

+date: <2023-11-14 Tue>

Spatrem does not use a traditional relational database to store its data, choosing instead to represent the information it has collected as RDF knowledge graphs. These graphs are constructed from data tables created by Spatrem's researchers, using an [[][international standard ontology]]. Once built, these graphs may be loaded into a general-purpose graph database and queried using the SPARQL query language.

This repository contains code for a simple web application that may be used to explore the information using a tabular representation.

This will create a folder called spatreme (a code name for the application), but you may name the folder whatever you like.

Switch into this folder, create a Python virtual environment, and activate it:

+begin_src shell

cd spatreme python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate


Now use the ~pip~ program to install the program's dependencies (you should update ~pip~ first):

+begin_src shell

pip install -U pip pip install -r requirements.txt


Now you should be able to start the web application:

+begin_src shell

sh ./


[ Details to come; will teach Marina. ]