cx88 / moomoo.js

Simple bot API for
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 1 forks source link


This is a simple bot API for

Note that this is not an AI library, only the endpoint.


Do npm install -s moomoo.js to install with NPM.


The structure of a simple multiboxing bot can be as follow:

Moo 1
├─┬ ThingManager 1
│ ├── Thing 1
│ ├── Thing 2
│ └── Thing 3
├─┬ PlayerManager 1
│ ├── Player 1
│ ├── Player 2
│ └── Player 3
├── LBs
├── Alliances
├─┬ Conn 1
│ └─┬ Interface 1
│   ├── Player 1
│   └── Inputs 1
└─┬ Conn 2
  └─┬ Interface 2
    ├── Player 2
    └── Inputs 2
Name Per/Multi About
Moo per IP Used for each server / IP
Thing Manager per Moo Aka TM - Used to control things
Thing multi per TM A, well, thing
Player Manager per Moo Aka PM - Used to control players
Player multi per PM An unknown player
LBs per Moo Leaderboard manager
Alliances per Moo Alliance "manager"
Conn multi per Moo A simple socket connection
Interface per Conn An advanced socket to attach events onto
Inputs per Interface A class to control the inputs and let you move


To gain access of the library, you first must need to install it, and then use require("moomoo.js") to get the main module.

A sample bot is below:

var moo = require("moomoo.js");
var bot = moo("");
bot.create("Bot", {
  spawn: "re",
}).on("identify", con => {
  con.spawn().then(me => {
    console.log(`I'm at ${me.x}, ${me.y}`);
    if (bot.als.exists("BOT")) {
    } else {
      con.create("BOT").then(r => {
        r.on("ask", u => {
          if ( == "Bot") {
          } else {