cxcxxin / urap_tech_sp16

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revise your raw list scraping bazhuayu #13

Open cxcxxin opened 8 years ago

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

add additional column num_of_review that records the number of累计评价 for each item_id and do this for canon 760d

From now on for each rawlst you get, please name it "rawlst_cameraname_datescraped" eg "rawlst_760d_20160215" (note that only lower case letter please) and save in \Dropbox\urap_programming\all_data\rawlst

After you filter out those only have bundle 0, save the filtered raw list in C:\Users\xin_chen\Dropbox\urap_programming\all_data\rawlst\raw_lst_used_for_assignment

name it "rawlst_760d_filtered_20160215" @suyanglu

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

other cameras for which we need rawlst

canon1200d canon 6d nikon d7200 canon 600d

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

use the same for hongmi note 2 rawlst collection as only those listings w a relatively large number of reviews will actually be of interest for us

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

@suyanglu please wechat me which camera has the most >20 reviews item_ids when you have a chance to export the rawlists

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago
