cxcxxin / urap_tech_sp16

issue tracking
1 stars 1 forks source link


USE UTF-8 encoding

Before you start, please make sure you have an asana, github, and dropbox account. Ask the group leader to add you to our team for each product we use.

Whenever you start a new task, please copy the copy_template to your own folder and name it in a succinct way so that we know exactly what this task is accomplishing. Always work in the dropbox directly and make sure sync is on so that others can track your porgress real time. You may expand your dropbox storage with a few rmbs on taobao.

All the output should be in CSV format, never xlsx.

Please use Python 2.7 version.

For each task, github issue name should be the same as the code name and output name. For every issue, write your output and code directory under the github issue.

Use relative path

R, please go through the following tutorial before you use R:

Write down your name at the top of each coding file @author Once you finish a task, append _done at the end of the folder name and copy the entire folder to the tocheck folder in the root directory. Comment done on the issue tracking Update the issue tracking and comment "done" here

In R, when you use read.csv() to load a table, you'd better add an argument stringsAsFactors = FALSE to tell R to keep character variables as they are rather than convert to factors. If you want to use read.csv() to load a table with Chinese characters, you can add an argument encoding="UTF-8". Do not use fileEncoding.

If you are coding in py, you should comment on any additional directions for running the script if it cannot be run directly (meaning pressing command B in sublime is not enough for generating the outputs)

issue tracking

For future coding on 750d, use the 750d files on Github under Code->All input files on 750d.

For version control with github, please follow instructions on following HTMLs, which have instructions on project version control on rstudio.