cxcxxin / urap_tech_sp16

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revise all graph titles #33

Open cxcxxin opened 8 years ago

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

After doing do, include all the graphs in the beamer.tex file at location; one graph per slide in output and logical order C:\Users\xin_chen\Dropbox\urap_programming\yi\gen_premium_700d\output\reg_output\pres_rel1

For each slide you could use the template \begin{frame}{Relative to Bundle 0} \begin{figure} \graphicspath{ {../0.relative_to_bundle_0/} } \includegraphics[scale=0.43]{1_histogram_of_deln} \end{figure} \end{frame}

suyanglu commented 8 years ago
