cxcxxin / urap_tech_sp16

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gen share and filter by 18-55 @yao and Jiazhen #6

Open cxcxxin opened 8 years ago

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

key for output: (item_id, bundle_index) other vars: item_sales, bundle_sales, share and the corresonding filtered variables filtered_item_sales, filtered_bundle_sales, filtered_share

please filter by "18-55"

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

@JiazhenChen @Quinn126 @geyao0619 For all images, pls save as pdf; THe output pdfs should be saved in the subfolder graph under output

please generate a boxplot w/o bundle 0; after you draw the individual graph, please also gen a graph w both shares and filtered shares on one graph; moreover please also brainstorm on other ways to better present the data yourselves.

suyanglu commented 8 years ago


cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

Nice job @geyao0619 @JiazhenChen

please modify code to output in csv remove redundant copy in yao folder draw the graphs asked for before (box plot of bundle_sales by bundle_index (one including bundle 0 and one excluding bundle 0)) (box plot of share by bundle_index (one including bundle 0 and one excluding bundle 0)) Visually deliver the results of how the bundle sales data look like across different bundle_indices if you think plots other than box plots are better,use those as well

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

@suyanglu please make sure @geyao0619 @JiazhenChen solve the % issue after their midterms + please pipeline your R code so that we only need to run the code once in the future by updating to rel path (i revised it for you this time as an example) and adding in the boxplotting part

Aftrer that merge the code into @asdwe2108 's current premium code so that he can perform the share join premium step at the end (i currently have the join step in a separate script file Rprem_join_share)