cxcxxin / urap_tech_sp16

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regression #66

Open cxcxxin opened 8 years ago

cxcxxin commented 8 years ago

@suyanglu @asdwe2108 deliver your results in bulleted slides

incorporate all the search dispersion metrics we computed and other indicators into regression models (borrow handbook of marketing research which contains a nice chapter on how to interpret regresssion results; present to me what you have learned from that article);

automate the process for each camera model (add in data as needed, eg. filtering more acc and construct more metrics that reflect the degree of difficulty for searching an accessory );

try some other product categories yourself

design field experiments

add to this list your throughts on other research directions to pursue


hint: use xtreg in stata

suyanglu commented 8 years ago

@cxcxxin Regression first try finished. Results directory: /Users/suyanglu/Dropbox/urap_programming/suyang/regression