cyanskies / another-toml-cpp

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Another TOML

Another TOML is a cpp17 parser and writer for TOML v1.0.

Another TOML can be used to parse toml files without exceptions, as long as you call the functions to confirm that nodes are valid and the expected kind of toml element or value type.


Another TOML performs unicode NFC normalisation when searching for tables and keys. Functions for performing normalised comparisons use algorithms from uni-algo and are provided for end users as well.

// both "my_table" and the names of the child nodes will be normalised for comparison
auto table = root_node.find_child("my_table");

#include "another_toml/string_util.hpp"

// compare utf8 strings for normalised equality
return another_toml::unicode_string_equal("string one", "string two");



Another TOML passes the tests at BurntSushi/toml-test (as of v1.5.0). Repo at: is used for testing.


The examples in this section are used to read this example toml file

title = "TOML Example"

name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-08:00

enabled = true
ports = [ 8000, 8001, 8002 ]
data = [ ["delta", "phi"], [3.14] ]
temp_targets = { cpu = 79.5, case = 72.0 }


ip = ""
role = "frontend"

ip = ""
role = "backend"

name = "Hammer"
sku = 738594937

[[products]]  # empty table within the array

name = "Nail"
sku = 284758393
color = "gray"

Another TOML is designed to read ASCII and UTF-8 encoded files, it will ignore the UTF-8 BOM if encountered but will not protect against being given files in an unexpected encoding (at least not until they are interpreted as invalid TOML).

Parsing Example

The following code can be used to read the above toml file and extract each of the values stored in it. The library is in the namespace another_toml; however we will add the following namespace declaration so that we can access everything using toml::

#include "another_toml.hpp"
namespace toml = another_toml;

Parse a toml file by passing the toml content as a string, cstring, or string_view.

auto toml_str = std::string{ "...toml content..." };
auto toml_c_str = "...toml content...";
auto toml_sv = std::string_view{ toml_str };
auto root_table = toml::parse(toml_str);
auto root_table = toml::parse(toml_c_str);
auto root_table = toml::parse(toml_sv);

Otherwise you can pass a stream that contains the toml document or a path to the file on the filesystem.

auto path = std::filesystem::path{ "./path/to/content.toml" };
auto root_table = toml::parse(std::cin);
auto root_table = toml::parse(path);

Parser functions will throw another_toml::toml_error You can also catch the more specific exception sub-types defined in another_toml/except.hpp

You can pass another_toml::no_throw to request the parser not to throw exceptions. The parser may still throw standard library exceptions related to memory alloc or stream/filesystem access(for the overloads that use these).

Use good() to test if the returned node can be read from. If a node returns false after calling good() then it is known as a bad node.

auto root_table = toml::parse(toml_str, toml::no_throw);
auto success = root_table.good();

The node returned by another_toml::parse is the root node. It stores all the parsed data and must remain in memory until you are finished reading the document. All the other nodes created while reading the document are lightweight references into the root node. If the root node is destroyed then calling any function on any of the other nodes will lead to undefined behaviour.

TOML Structure

When a toml source is parsed, it is converted into a node tree structure and a root table node is returned.

Access Child Nodes

Call get_first_child() to access a nodes child node.

auto first_child = root_table.get_first_child();

You can then call get_next_sibling() to access each of the other child nodes in a chain.

auto second_child = first_child.get_next_sibling();
auto third_child = second_child.get_next_sibling();

Use has_children and has_sibling() to test if a node has any children, or if a child node has any remaining sibling nodes

if (root_table.has_chilren())
    auto first_child = root_table.get_first_child();
        auto second_child = first_child.get_next_sibling();

You can also check if a call to get_first_child() or get_next_sibling() was successful by calling good() on the returned node.

auto first_child = root_node.get_first_child();
auto success = first_child.good();

Examine Node Type

Examine the type of the node using the following functions: table(), key(), array(), array_table(), value(), inline_table() They correspond to the TOML element types of the same name.

auto success = first_child.key();
success = second_child.table();

If you don't check that a node is good(), or that it is of the expected type then exceptions may be thrown by later functions.

Extract Values

In order to find a specific node you will also need to examine its name. All node types can be converted into strings using as_string.

    auto key_name = first_child.as_string();
    auto table_name = second_child.as_string();

Some nodes don't have names, such as arrays or inline tables that are nested within arrays, these nodes will return an empty string.

Once you have a value node you can convert it into a usable c++ type. TOML types correspond to the following c++ types:

Another TOML provides types for storing TOML dates and times:

A value node can be converted to one of the types above using the following functions:

std::string as_string()
std::int64_t as_integer()
double as_floating()
bool as_boolean()
toml::date_time as_date_time()
toml::local_date_time as_date_time_local()
toml::date as_date_local()
toml::time as_time_local()

Other than as_string(), the above functions will throw another_toml::wrong_type if the node can't be converted to that type.

To extract title from the example toml source we can use the following code to get the value node.

auto title_key = root_node.get_first_child();
auto title_value = title_key.get_first_child();

We can confirm its type using type().

auto correct_type = (title_value.type() == toml::value_type::string);

And we can extract the message using as_string().

auto title_str = title_value.as_string();

Extracting a Table and Value

Now we'll extract [owner] and its key dob.

auto owner_table = title_key.get_next_sibling();
auto is_table = owner_table.table();

auto owner_name = owner_table.get_first_child();
auto owner_dob = owner_name.get_next_sibling();
auto dob_value = owner_dob.get_first_child();

Since we expect dob to be a date and time value we will use as_date_time() to extract it. We can also convert it(and any other type) into a string using as_string().

auto dob = dob_value.as_date_time();
auto dob_str = dob_value.as_string();

Finding Child Nodes

Accessing nodes as above if useful for reading TOML documents with unknown data in them; but most of the time we are expecting a specific structure for our document. We can use find_child(std::string_view) to find a specific node by name.

auto database = root_node.find_child("database");

find_child will skip key nodes, the code below will return the inline table node, rather than the key node named temp_targets. This makes it easier to write code that accesses inline tables, values and arrays.

auto inline_table = database.find_child("temp_targets");

operator[] is overriden for nodes so that the following code can be written:

auto case_temp_value = root_node["database"]["temp_targets"]["case"];

find_child(std::string_view) throws node_not_found if the child node cannot be found, this enables calls to find_child to report errors while they are chained together as above.

You can pass toml::no_throw to instead return a bad node on failure.

auto database = root_node.find_child("database", toml::no_throw);
auto success = database.good();

Templated Extraction Functions

You can also convert nodes to values using the templated helper function as_type<Type>().

auto enabled_value = database.find_child("enabled");
auto is_enabled = enabled_value.as_type<bool>();

There is also a templated get_value<Type>(std::string_view) function to cut out the boilerplate code needed to extract keys and their values.

auto is_enabled = database.get_value<bool>("enabled");

get_value will throw exceptions if the key is missing or if the value cannot be converted into the desired type.

We can iterate over a nodes children to extract arrays.

auto ports_array = database.find_child("ports");
auto ports = std::vector<std::int64_t>{};
for (auto elm : port_array)

get_value can also be used to extract homogeneous arrays (an array with all elements of the same type) directly into a container.

auto ports = database.get_value<std::vector<std::int64_t>>("ports");

We can also extract all the child nodes as a std::vector using get_children().

auto data_array = database.find_child("data");
auto elements = data_array.get_children();
auto data_strings = elements[0].as_type<std::vector<std::string>>();
auto data_floats = elements[1].as_type<std::vector<double>>();

Extracting Tables

We can also extract inline tables using find_child.

auto temp_targets = database.find_child("temp_targets");
auto temp_cpu = temp_targets.get_value<double>("cpu");
auto temp_case = temp_targets.get_value<double>("case");

Code for reading data from a table will typically look like this:

auto alpha = root_table["servers"]["alpha"];
auto alpha_ip = alpha.get_value<std::string>("ip");
auto alpha_role = alpha.get_value<std::string>("role");

auto beta = root_table["servers"]["beta"];
auto beta_ip = alpha.get_value<std::string>("ip");
auto beta_role = alpha.get_value<std::string>("role");

Arrays of Tables

Arrays of tables work just like a normal array, except the child nodes are all tables. The tables in the array don't have names, when you iterate through them as_string() will return an empty string.

auto products_array = root_table.find_child("products");
struct product
    std::string name;
    std::int64_t sku;
    std::string color;

auto product_vect = std::vector<product>{};

for (auto table_elm : products_array)
    auto new_poduct = product{};
    auto name = table_elm.find_child("name"); = name.as_string();
    auto sku = table_elm.find_child("sku"); = sku.as_integer();
    auto color = table_elm.find_child("color");
    new_product.color = color.as_string();

Generating a TOML Document

Another TOML can also output TOML documents, we'll generate the example document near the top of this file. We use another_toml::writer to describe our document and then write it out.

auto w = toml::writer{};

Writing Keys and Values

The writer automatically creates the root level table for you, so we can add keys to it straight away with write_key(std::string_view).


After write_key we need to submit a value to the writer with write_value. Writer is expecting a value to follow the key, calling a different function at this point is an error. This function accepts any of the TOML types listed earlier in this article.

w.write_value("TOML Example");

Writing Tables

We can add a table with begin_table(std::string_view) everything added after begin_table() will be nested within the table. The table must be eventually ended with end_table().


A shorthand is provided for adding a key and value together. Call write with both a key and a value.

w.write("name", "Tom Preston-Werner");
w.write("dob", toml::date_time{
        toml::date{ 1979, 5, 27 },
        toml::time{ 7, 32 }
    }, false, 8 });

Now we can end the 'owner' table.


Next we'll write the 'database' table.

w.write("enabled", true);

Writing Dotted Keys

In TOML a key can have a 'dotted' name:

name = "Orange"
physical.color = "orange"
physical.shape = "round"
site."" = true

These structures are expressed in Another TOML by creating dotted tables. The above document is created using the following code:

w.write("name", "Orange");

w.begin_table("physical", toml::table_def_type::dotted);
    w.write("color", "orange");
    w.write("shape", "round");

w.begin_table("site", toml::table_def_type::dotted);
    w.write("", true);

Writing Arrays

We can write arrays by starting and ending the array with begin_array(std::string_view) and end_array(). Inbetween the begining and end of the array we can add values and also nest additional arrays and inline tables.


You can also write homogeneous arrays by passing a container to the write function.

const auto ports = std::vector{
    8000, 8001, 8002
w.write("ports", ports);

When nesting arrays and inline tables within arrays you still use the same interface as before, however when nested within an array these elements don't have a name, you can leave the name parameter blank by passing {}.

We can use the shorthand to nest this array of strings.

w.write({}, { "delta", "phi" });

Or use the 'begin'/'end array' functions.

w.end_array(); // data

Writing Inline Tables

Inline tables work the same way as normal tables, except they are started and finished with begin_inline_table(std::string_view) and end_inline_table().

w.write("case", 72.f);

We'll end the 'database' table, and start a 'servers' table.

w.end_table(); // [database]


We can leave this table empty and add two nested tables using what we've already learned and also end the 'servers' table.

w.write("ip", "");
w.write("role", "frontend");

w.write("ip", "");
w.write("role", "backend");

w.end_table(); // [servers]

Writing Arrays of Tables

Arrays of tables use a similar syntax to tables, however we begin and end the tables with begin_array_tables(std::string_view) and end_array_tables().

w.write("name", "Hammer");
w.write("sku", 738594937);

Any of the TOML elements that use begin/end functions can be left empty by calling their end function without adding anything between them.


Everything added to a table within the table array is nested solely within that table.

w.write("name", "Nail");
w.write("sku", 284758393);
w.write("color", "grey");

Outputting the Completed Document

You must end any open tables/arrays or inline arrays before generating the TOML document (The root table is an exception). You can use to_string() to generate a std::string containing the TOML document or you can stream it to any standard output stream.

auto toml_str = w.to_string(); // make a string variable
std::cout << w; // stream to standard output

Writer Output Options

The output formating can be controlled as explained below.

String Output Options

When writing string values you can specify that they should be written as literal strings by adding literal_string_tag to the function call.

w.write_value("literal\n \nstring", toml::writer::literal_string_tag);

Integral Output Options

You can control the base representation of an integral type with the int_base parameter.

w.write_value(50, toml::writer::int_base::bin);

The supported bases are:

Floating Point Output Options

You can control the base representation of a floating point type with the float_rep and precision parameter.

w.write_value(50, toml::writer::float_rep::scientific, 6);

The supported representations are:

Precision controls how many decimal places of precision will be written. Pass writer::auto_precision to have it chosen dynamically.

Key/Value Options

The above output settings can also be used with the write shorthand, this even works when writing out arrays.

w.write("color", "grey", toml::writer::literal_string_tag);
w.write("floats", { 1.2f, 1.2f, 1.2f }, toml::writer::float_rep::scientific);

Global Writer Options

More settings for controlling writer output can be controlled by passing a writer_options struct to your writer. writer_options is default contructed with the settings that writer uses by default. A description of each setting is below:

Max Line Length

Set writer_options::max_line_length. Set to 80 characters by default.

How many characters an output line should have before splitting. The lines are only split at valid split points, such as after the first '[' of an array or after each array elements ','. Lines can also be split for long strings, using '\' to preserve the strings value.

Set to writer_options::dont_split_lines to not split lines. NOTE: Length calculations are simple approximations, not a guarrantee to split the line at a specific column. Notably splits will only be added after complete values (eg. a whole datetime) or inbetween words in a non-literal string type.

line_length_short = [
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10 ]
Compact Spacing

Set writer_options::compact_spacing. Enabled by default.

If enabled the writer will skip any optional whitespace, can be used to reduce document size at the cost of readability(doesn't effect array line splitting).

compact_spacing_off = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Indent String

Set writer_options::indent_string. Set to a single tab by default.

This string is used to indent lines, you can replace it to control how much indentation is used. Most users will leave it as a tab character or replace it with the desired number of spaces. The indentation string must be made up of whitespace characters, otherwise the resulting toml files will be invalid. Indentation is used by Indent Child Tables and Indent After Line Split.

auto opts = toml::writer_options{};
opts.indent_string = " ";
opts.indent_child_tables = true; // See 'Indent Child Tables' below 
auto w = toml::writer{};
key = "value"

 key = "value"

Indent Child Tables

Set writer_options::indent_child_tables. Disabled by default.

If enabled then an indentation will be added for each layer of child table.

name = "a"

    key = "value"


#indentation isn't added for skipped tables (see skip empty tables)
Indent After Line Split

Set writer_options::indent_after_line_split Enabled by default.

While this is enabled there will be an indent added when a line split is inserted during a long value.

line_length_short = [
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
    7, 8, 9, 10 ]
Ascii Output

Set writer_options::ascii_output. Disabled by default.

Output only ascii characters, all unicode characters will be replaced by escape sequences.

Skip Empty Tables

Set writer_options::skip_empty_tables. Enabled by default.

Don't output empty tables, unless they are leaf tables.

[a] # leaf table

[x.y.z] # leaf table

count = 5

    [q.w.e] # leaf table
Date Time Separator

Set writer_options::date_time_separator.

Choose which character to use to separate the date and time portions of datetime and local datetime types:

# big_t
date = 1979-05-27T07:32:00
# whitespace
date = 1979-05-27 07:32:00
Simple Numerical Output

Set writer_options::simple_numerical_output. Disabled by default.

If set, overrides any output options set when calling write or write_value with integrals and floats, instead writes them out in base 10 and fixed notation.

UTF-8 Byte Order Mark

Set writer_options::utf8_bom. Disabled by default.

If set, the output will include a UTF-8 BOM at the beginning. Enable this only if you expect the output to be read by a program that uses the BOM to detect encoding, or refuses to accept UTF-8 encoded files without a BOM.