cyb3rdog / escapepod_python_sdk

The EscapePod Python SDK for Cyb3rVector's EscapePod Extension Proxy
Apache License 2.0
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EscapePod Extension SDK for Python

by cyb3rdog

This is the EscapePod Python SDK for Cyb3rVector's EscapePod Extension Proxy.

With this SDK, you can:

Getting Started

1) Use of this SDK assumes some familiarity and experience with Vector Python SDK, as well as ownership of the Anki/DDL Vector and DDL EscapePod.

2) In order to use this SDK to its full potential, it is recommended to have also the vector-python-sdk installed, as at this moment, this is the only Vector Python SDK, which can be used with your EscapePod onboarded Vector.

3) This SDK requires the Cyb3rVector Extension Proxy service to be deployed and configured to use with your EscapePod see the deployment guide

EscapePod SDK Installation

To install this SDK, run:

To upgrade this SDK to its latest version, use:

If you want to know where the SDK files are installed, use following command:

Extension Deployement

Please see the deployment guide here.

EscapePod Extension Proxy itself, and its source code is maintained in separate repository: cyb3rdog/escape-pod-proxy.


To learn how to this SDK, start with tutorial example programs in the examples folder.


In order to change the log level to other then default value of INFO, set the SDK_LOG_LEVEL enviroment variable:

Allowed values are:

CRITICAL    = 50
ERROR       = 40
WARNING     = 30
INFO        = 20
DEBUG       = 10
