cyberark / cyberark-conjur-cli-docker-based

CyberArk Conjur command line interface (Ruby)
Apache License 2.0
14 stars 12 forks source link
command-line-tool conjbot-notify conjur conjur-core core ruby-gem secret-distribution secret-management


Command-line interface for Conjur.

NOTE: Conjur v4 users should use the v5.x.x release path. Conjur CLI v6.0.0 only supports Conjur v5 and newer.

A complete reference guide is available at

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Quick start

$ gem install conjur-cli

$ conjur -v
conjur version 6.0.0

Using conjur-cli with Conjur Open Source

Are you using this project with Conjur Open Source? Then we strongly recommend choosing the version of this project to use from the latest Conjur OSS suite release. Conjur maintainers perform additional testing on the suite release versions to ensure compatibility. When possible, upgrade your Conjur version to match the latest suite release; when using integrations, choose the latest suite release that matches your Conjur version. For any questions, please contact us on Discourse.

Using Docker

Docker Build Status This software is included in the standalone cyberark/conjur-cli:5 Docker image. Docker containers are designed to be ephemeral, which means they don't store state after the container exits.

You can start an ephemeral session with the Conjur CLI software like so:

$ docker run --rm -it cyberark/conjur-cli:5

Any initialization you do or files you create in that session will be discarded (permanently lost) when you exit the shell. Changes that you make to the Conjur server will remain.

You can also use a folder on your filesystem to persist the data that the Conjur CLI uses to connect. For example:

$ mkdir mydata
$ chmod 700 mydata
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD)/mydata:/root cyberark/conjur-cli:5 init -u

SHA1 Fingerprint=E6:F7:AC:E3:3A:54:83:4F:D0:06:9B:49:45:C3:85:58:ED:34:4C:4C

Please verify this certificate on the appliance using command:
              openssl x509 -fingerprint -noout -in ~conjur/etc/ssl/conjur.pem

Trust this certificate (yes/no): yes
Enter your organization account name:
Wrote certificate to /root/
Wrote configuration to /root/.conjurrc
$ ls -lA mydata
total 16
drwxr-xr-x  2 you  staff    68 Mar 29 14:16 .cache
-rw-r--r--  1 you  staff   136 Mar 29 14:16 .conjurrc
-rw-r--r--  1 you  staff  3444 Mar 29 14:16
$ docker run --rm -it -v $(PWD)/mydata:/root cyberark/conjur-cli:5 authn login -u admin 
Please enter admin's password (it will not be echoed): 
Logged in
$ ls -lA mydata
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  2 you  staff    68 Mar 29 14:16 .cache
-rw-r--r--  1 you  staff   136 Mar 29 14:16 .conjurrc
-rw-------  1 you  staff   119 Mar 29 14:19 .netrc
-rw-r--r--  1 you  staff  3444 Mar 29 14:16

Security notice: the file .netrc, created or updated by conjur authn login, contains a user identity credential that can be used to access the Conjur API. You should remove it after use or otherwise secure it like you would another netrc file.


    conjur - Command-line toolkit for managing roles, resources and privileges

    conjur [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

    --help    - Show this message
    --version - Display the program version


Command Description
authn - Login and logout
check - Check for a privilege on a resource
env - Use values of Conjur variables in local context
host - Manage hosts
hostfactory - Manage host factories
init - Initialize the Conjur configuration
ldap-sync - LDAP sync management commands
list - List objects
plugin - Manage plugins
policy - Manage policies
pubkeys - Public keys service operations
resource - Manage resources
role - Manage roles
show - Show an object
user - Manage users
variable - Manage variables

conjur authn

   authn       - Login and logout
    conjur [global options] authn authenticate [-H|--header] [-f filename|--filename filename]
    conjur [global options] authn login [-p password|--password password] [-u username|--username username] login-name
    conjur [global options] authn logout
    conjur [global options] authn whoami
    authenticate - Obtains an authentication token using the current logged-in
    login        - Logs in and caches credentials to netrc.
    logout       - Logs out
    whoami       - Prints out the current logged in username

conjur check

   check       - Check for a user’s privilege on a resource
   conjur check [object] [privilege] [user]
   read, write, execute

conjur env

    env         - Use values of Conjur variables in local context
    conjur [global options] env check [--policy arg] [--yaml arg] [-c FILE]
    conjur [global options] env help
    conjur [global options] env run [--policy arg] [--yaml arg] [-c FILE] -- command [arg1, arg2 ...]
    conjur [global options] env template [--policy arg] [--yaml arg] [-c FILE] template.erb

    check    - Check availability of Conjur variables
    help     - Print description of environment configuration format
    run      - Execute external command with environment variables populated
               from Conjur
    template - Render ERB template with variables obtained from Conjur

root@e1bfc649b68d:/# conjur env help

Environment configuration (either stored in file referred by -c option or provided inline with --yaml option) should be a YAML document describing one-level Hash.
Keys of the hash are 'local names', used to refer to variable values in convenient manner.  (See help for env:run and env:template for more details about how they are interpreted).

Values of the hash may take one of the following forms: a) string b) string preceeded with !var tag c) string preceeded with !tmp tag.

a) Plain string is just associated with local name without any calls to Conjur.

b) String preceeded by !var tag is interpreted as an ID of the Conjur variable, which value should be obtained and associated with appropriate local name.

c) String preceeded by !tmp tag is interpreted as an ID of the Conjur variable, which value should be stored in temporary file, which location should in turn be associated with appropriate local name.

Example of environment configuration: 

{ local_variable_1: 'literal value', local_variable_2: !var id/of/Conjur/Variable , local_variable_3: !tmp id/of/another/Conjur/variable }

conjur host

    host - Manage hosts

    conjur [global options] host layers HOST
    conjur [global options] host rotate_api_key [--host arg|-h arg]

    layers         - List the layers to which the host belongs
    rotate_api_key - Rotate a host's API key

conjur hostfactory

    hostfactory - Manage host factories

    conjur [global options] hostfactory hosts
    conjur [global options] hostfactory tokens

    hosts  - Operations on hosts
    tokens - Operations on tokens

conjur init

   init – Initialize the Conjur configuration
   conjur [global options] init [-u URL of Conjur service] [-a account name]

conjur ldap-sync

    ldap-sync - LDAP sync management commands

    conjur [global options] ldap-sync policy

    policy - Manage the policy used to sync Conjur and the LDAP server

conjur list

Lists conjur objects

conjur plugin

    plugin - Manage plugins

    conjur [global options] plugin install [-v version|--version version] PLUGIN
    conjur [global options] plugin list
    conjur [global options] plugin show PLUGIN
    conjur [global options] plugin uninstall PLUGIN

    install   - Install a plugin
    list      - List installed plugins
    show      - Show a plugin's details
    uninstall - Uninstall a plugin

conjur policy

    policy - Manage policies

    conjur [global options] policy load [--delete] [--replace] POLICY FILENAME

    load - Load a policy
--delete – deletes a policy
--replace – replaces a policy

conjur pubkeys

   pubkeys - Public keys service operations
   conjur [global options] pubkeys [USER]

conjur resource

    resource - Manage resources

    conjur [global options] resource exists RESOURCE
    conjur [global options] resource permitted_roles RESOURCE PRIVILEGE

    exists          - Determines whether a resource exists
    permitted_roles - List roles with a specified privilege on the resource

conjur role

    role - Manage roles

    conjur [global options] role exists [--json] ROLE
    conjur [global options] role members [-V|--verbose] ROLE
    conjur [global options] role memberships [-s|--system] ROLE

    exists      - Determines whether a role exists
    members     - Lists all direct members of the role. The membership list is
                  not recursively expanded.
    memberships - Lists role memberships. The role membership list is
                  recursively expanded.

conjur show

   show        - Show an object
   conjur show [object]

conjur user

    user - Manage users

    conjur [global options] user rotate_api_key [--user arg|-u arg]
    conjur [global options] user update_password [-p arg|--password arg]

    rotate_api_key  - Rotate a user's API key
    update_password - Update the password of the logged-in user

conjur variable

    variable - Manage variables

    conjur [global options] variable value [-v arg|--version arg] VARIABLE
    conjur [global options] variable values

    value  - Get a value
    values - Access variable values


We welcome contributions of all kinds to this repository. For instructions on how to get started and descriptions of our development workflows, please see our contributing guide.


This repository is licensed under Apache License 2.0 - see LICENSE for more details.