cyberbotics / webots_ros2

Webots ROS 2 packages
Apache License 2.0
389 stars 141 forks source link

Can't install webot_ros2 on ubuntu 20.04 due to package not found #869

Open XintongHe opened 7 months ago

XintongHe commented 7 months ago

Hello, I am new to ros and webot, so sorry for the stupid question. I am trying to install webot_ros2 on my linux ubuntu 20.04, ros2-humble and webot are already installed on my computer. I followed the official guide line to use "sudo apt-get install ros-humble-webots-ros2", however I get the issue E: Unable to locate package ros-humble-webots-ros2. I can't find this package in ubuntu package search. I also tries to install it through source, but failed on the step "rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro humble" the error i got are as following: "WARNING: given --rosdistro humble but ROS_DISTRO is "noetic". Ignoring environment. ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies: webots_ros2_universal_robot: No definition of [joint_state_broadcaster] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_epuck: No definition of [joint_state_broadcaster] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_mavic: No definition of [builtin_interfaces] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_control: No definition of [rclcpp_lifecycle] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_msgs: No definition of [vision_msgs] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_tesla: No definition of [ackermann_msgs] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_tiago: No definition of [rviz2] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2: No definition of [builtin_interfaces] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_tests: No definition of [rosbag2_storage_default_plugins] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_turtlebot: No definition of [rviz2] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_importer: No definition of [builtin_interfaces] for OS version [focal] webots_ros2_driver: No definition of [tinyxml2_vendor] for OS version [focal]" Any suggestion will be really helpful. Thank you very much Best