cyberbotics / webots_ros2

Webots ROS 2 packages
Apache License 2.0
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Bump version and changelogs to 2023.1.2 #891

Closed Yadunund closed 5 months ago

Yadunund commented 5 months ago

Once this is merged, I can tag master as 2023.1.2 and bloom a new release into Rolling to unblock the sync.

Note: There were over 10 commits between the last released version and master so hoping there are no new regressions 🤞🏼

omichel commented 5 months ago

Unfortunately, the required ROS2 tests / industrial_ci (main, humble) is failing consistently, although the same test passes on rolling (but not iron where it fails as well). Can you look into it?

Yadunund commented 5 months ago

Hi @omichel ,

I don't think changes in this PR could cause new CI failures so the failures must have come via previously merged commits? The CI failures are due to tests failings.

2024-02-02T13:54:51.6761473Z ======================================================================
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6761741Z FAIL: testMovement (test_system_tiago.TestTiago)
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6762117Z ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6762317Z Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6763006Z   File "/root/target_ws/src/webots_ros2/webots_ros2_tests/test/", line 90, in testMovement
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6763765Z     self.wait_for_messages(self.__node, Odometry, '/odom', condition=on_message_received, timeout=60*5)
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6764510Z   File "/root/target_ws/src/webots_ros2/webots_ros2_tests/webots_ros2_tests/", line 56, in wait_for_messages
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6765416Z     self.assertGreaterEqual(len(received_messages), messages_to_receive, 'Not enough messages have been received')
2024-02-02T13:54:51.6765981Z AssertionError: 0 not greater than or equal to 1 : Not enough messages have been received

I'm simply trying to get Rolling unblocked and don't have the bandwidth to fix any tests here . If it's okay with you I'd like to suggest the following:

  1. We create a new rolling branch off the last know release tag 2023.1.1.
  2. I cherry pick the fix for rolling into this branch and tag the latest release 2023.1.2
  3. Update the tracks.yaml such that we bloom into Rolling from this new rolling branch. Currently it is set to master.
  4. Bloom the patch fix from rolling branch.

We are actively working on migrating Rolling to Ubuntu 24.04 and the next Rolling sync is planned for 6th Feb as mentioned here If the issue is not resolved by then, these packages will be removed from the Buildfarm for Rolling.

omichel commented 5 months ago

I am fine with your proposal. You can go ahead.

Yadunund commented 5 months ago
