cybergarage / uhttp-cc

uHTTP for C++ is a developer framework for HTTP client and server applications.
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µHTTP for C++

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Build Status

µHTTP for C++ is a developer framework for HTTP client and server applications. The framework was forked from mUPnP for C++ v1.7.2 except the UPnP and SOAP functions.

mUPnP for C++ was developing for embedded platforms, but I will improve the framework for enterprise platforms in the future.

Building and Installation

µHTTP for C++ for C is distributed as an Automake project, and so you can install the library from the source codes with the following commands:

make install


For macOS platforms, you can easily install using Homebrew with the following brew commands:

brew tap cybergarage/homebrew
brew install uhttp++

