cyberorg / openvpn-web-gui

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This project is a port of the project at

This project is a Web interface to openvpn server. It shows the status of VPN connections, and openvpn / openssl configuration. Plus, it provides client certificate management. Project is being written completely on PHP 5 with openssl and Smarty.


The current version supports only the following function:

a) view status of openvpn server. The status is being refreshed every 60 seconds. If that is not happening, than openvpn server is not running.

b) view the list of connected peers. Peers are treated as users there, so we suggest that a peer's information has a name, e-mail and stuff.

c) view the basic configuration options of openvpn package.

d) view the list of all generated openssl certificates. That is the different part of a project and it works in cooperation with openssl.

e) from there it is possible to generate new certificate along with a private key and certificate request file. That part is still under construction.

The idea behind that project is to provide a handy tool to systems / security / account administrator to maintain the openvpn server. There will be some kind of authorization and authentication, allowin one group of persons to see the statuses only while other group to make changes.


Clone the repository in /srv/www/htdocs/ like this:

cd /srv/www/htdocs git clone cd openvpn-web-gui chmod 777 templates_c

Make changes to as per your requirement. Point your browser to http://localhost/openvpn-web-gui/

Default assumes that the openvpn configuration can be found here:


Easy-rsa bits here:


Use OpenVPN's easy-rsa scripts to get started. If you have an existing OpenVPN installation using easy-rsa, things will work fine as long as the crt/crs/key files use the Common Name. The original project this one is ported from did NOT do this, and this was the main reason for the port.

You need to touch the password.db file referenced in in order to store passwords in the database. Also, you need to look for $ENV:: entries in OpenVPN's openssl.cnf file. Replace them with the actual values from the vars script in the easy-rsa directory.

Next, there is a, which points to several directories and files, needed for a project. They are:

$config['Company_Name'] = 'Lake of Ontario';

(I hope that this example is not trade marked or registered :) Use a name of your company of whatever represents your site.

$config['openvpn']['folder'] = '/usr/local/etc/openvpn/server/';

The folder with configuration of your openvpn server. Used to reach the configuration file (see next one) and the status file.

$config['openvpn']['config'] = $config['openvpn']['folder'] .'openvpn.conf';

Here is it, the name of your openvpn server's configuration file. Later I will made it possible to configure several servers (through several configuation files)

$config['openssl']['folder'] = '/usr/local/etc/openvpn/keys/';

The name of directory where the keys are stored. Actually, not always keys, but the root of them, where serial and database files are kept.

$config['openssl']['serial'] = $config['openssl']['folder'] .'serial';

The name of the serial file. Should be equival to one of openssl.cnf

$config['openssl']['database'] = $config['openssl']['folder'] .'database.txt';

The name of the database. Should be equival to one of openssl.cnf. You know what? I'll eliminate those two later by introducing the name of openssl.cnf file :)


Change new certificate defaults to what best suites you.

And, finally, the security information.

First, because the project HAS to read openssl and openvpn configuration, give the www group (or what is your apache group) read right to:

openssl.cnf $config['openvpn']['config'] $config['openssl']['folder'] $config['openvpn']['status']

The following files/dirs require rw access:

$config['openssl']['serial'] $config['openssl']['database'] $config['openssl']['folder']

If you know how to make it more secure, let me know :)


The plug-ins should be placed into the subfolder of plugins folder. The registration of each plug-in is being done from the project's file. Plug-ins's declares the following files, of which the plug-in consists:

$config['Plugins']['pluginname']['Action']['Name'] = 'What goes into in the top menu'; $config['Plugins']['pluginname']['Action']['Include'] = 'The main PHP file of the plug-in'; $config['Plugins']['pluginname']['Top Menu']['Label'] = 'What is the text part of in the top menu'; $config['Plugins']['pluginname']['Top Menu']['Tooltip'] = 'What is the tooltip for this '; $config['Plugins']['pluginname']['Top Menu']['Suffix'] = 'What is an optional suffix, adding into after ?Action=$ActionName'; $config['Plugins']['pluginname']['Left']['Menu'] = 'The Smarty template for the left menu'; $config['Plugins']['pluginname']['Left']['Status'] = 'The Smarty template for the status window';

Review the supplied example of the simple system check plug-in, it will tell you the rest of how is the plug-in plugs in :)

Oh, just remembered. the main allows you to supply your own 16x16 logo. Also you will need enter the real physical path to the plugins folder there.

And the last thing: Because of the Smarty design, there might be some caveats in using extra templates in your plug-in. I had to change all action-*.tpl into the file being included into page.tpl. An example in file of the sample plug-in, shows how to use that page.tpl, if you want to keep the project's decoration.

The final thing, just saw in my notes: If you are to get more variables from GET, obtain them from your file, as far as include all your includes into there. DO NOT modify the project's index.php file.

Ok. now I believe I've told you the all about the current version of a project.


01/22/2013 - 0.0.2 Fixed issues with spaces in Common Name Fixed typo with the word 'e-mail' in the GUI Fixed issues attaching the ta.key file Fixed spacing issue when writing passwords to the database

08/11/2010 - 0.0.1 Initial check in to git. Completely functional on development box. Testing hasn't been done on a clean install.