cybersafe-dev / cybersafety-tool

A cybersafety survey app for schools in Ireland.
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CyberSafeKids: CyberSafe Tool for Schools

About this app

Created by Sienna: @bethanyios and @jc2820 for CyberSafeKids, this is the repository for the CyberSafe Tool for Schools.

The tool is for primary schools in Ireland to self-assess their level of 'cybersafety' across several categories (digital knowledge, privacy, online life, communication, critical thinking and responsible use). The survey is to be completed by a variable quota of school Leaders, Teachers and Pupils depending on the size of the school. Once complete, schools will be given a report of their cybersafety by CyberSafeKids, and the opportunity to purchase a mark of their level of cybersafety that they can display.

The app has three main routes: A mini-site which serves to provide information about the tool and about CyberSafeKids, as well as links to their homepage and social media, a protected school admin area where a point of contact from each school can keep track of and submit their survey progress, and the survey itself with tailored questions for each type of school user.

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SVG graphics by Delesign. PDF creation with React-pdf.