cycleplanet / cycle-planet

Official Cycle Planet repo, an open source and non-profit network of long distance cyclers and those who want to host them.
MIT License
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Cycle Planet App License: MIT

This is the repo for the official Cycle Planet platform. The platform is (soon) open source and free to use, which can be used to:

The platform is written in Vue.js, and makes use of the Quasar framwork. By making use of Cordova, an Android app and iOS app built. For persistent storage and user account management, it uses Google's Firebase backend-as-a-service.

Problems, feedback or questions are welcome in issues or on our Slack


Get started developing

1. Install dependencies

Download or clone this repo, and then run the following command to install all dependencies:

npm install

2. Set up a Firebase project

Copy src/boot/config.example.js to src/boot/config.js.

Now either:

3. Start the Local Emulator Suite to run the back-end

Start the Firebase Local Emulator Suite to have a back-end to test against:

npm run start-emulators

4. Start Quasar to serve the front-end

Start the app in development mode:

npm run dev

5. Hack away!

Now everything should be running and you should see a local copy of the CyclePlanet app in your browser. If not, contact us in #developing on Slack or create an issue here on Github.

Some Quasar commands we use

Run on Android (cordova) - debug mode:

cd src-cordova
quasar dev -m cordova -T android

Run on iOS (cordova) - debug mode:

cd src-cordova
quasar build -m cordova -T ios

Run on Android (cordova) - build mode:

cd src-cordova
quasar build -m cordova -T android


License: MIT