cydiachen / FSRNET_pytorch

Dear Friend, Having tried several ways, I tried to reproduce the performance of FSRNet by using Pytorch. I am Now transferring to another new project FSRNet, You can download the code and run at your own machine. Feel free to contact me.
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FSRNet Pytorch

Dear friends, Thank you for keep tracking in this implementation of FSRNet (CVPR 2018 Oral Paper)

I have been spent the whole summer as an intern in I have been back to school, so I have time to complete the Project.

I rewrite the and other model code completely. Now I am uploading pretrained Weights on BaiduNetDisk together with Training Set.

Based on WaveletSRNet, I altered the code by adopting FSRNet network structure.



Change the option in to set the dataset's directory. I am using CelebAHQ-MASK as the training set. The GroundTruth is generated by zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch( with pretrained model.

Dataset Link: 密码:z2ud


ON GOING :| PYTHON AND NOTEBOOK WILL BE PROVIDED. Pretrained Weights:链接: 密码:libl



If you find FSRNet useful in your research, please consider citing (* indicates equal contributions):

  title={FSRNet: End-to-End Learning Face Super-Resolution with Facial Priors},
  author={Chen, Yu* and Tai, Ying* and Liu, Xiaoming and Shen, Chunhua and Yang, Jian },
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},