cyfronet-fid / sat4envi
Apache License 2.0
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System Components

System consists of three applications:

Sentry - monitoring

To use sentry for GeoServer Gateway or s4e-backend you need to set up dsn property in in GS-Gateway or s4e-backend:

dsn = <https://url with token to your sentry>

Alternatively, set envvar SENTRY_DSN=<dsn> for backend and gsg-gateway.



The application uses postgres database at localhost:5433. The database can be run in a docker container by issuing docker-compose up db in root directory.

In case of changes in docker-compose.yml to remove the database volume it is necessary to issue docker volume rm <volume name>. docker volume ls lists volumes.

If a backend Dockerfile is updated, then you have to rebuild the image. You can do it by running docker-compose build, it will try to rebuild the linked Dockerfiles. The Dockerfile may be updated in cases such as updating java version.

Running unit tests

You will need the test db up and running: docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up db-test. It will be exposed at localhost:5434.

Then, run ./mvnw test.

Running integration tests

You will need test db, minio, geoserver and broker for the tests to pass.

Run them with docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml up db-test geoserver-test minio-test broker-test.

Then, execute ./mvnw verify.

Building and running

To build run ./mvnw package in directory s4e-backend. This will produce a jar in s4e-backend/target, which can be started by running java -jar <path to jar>. (For the tests to pass follow the instructions in section about running unit tests or skip them with -DskipTests.)

To set the version of the built artifacts use the revision, sha1 and changelist system variables, for example: ./mvnw package -Drevision=4.0.1 -Dsha1=<hash> -Dchangelist=-RELEASE. The values will be concatenated ${revision}${sha1}${changelist} forming the artifact version. By default revision=0.0.0, sha1= (empty) and changelist=-SNAPSHOT.

Alternatively, the app can be built and run by issuing ../mvnw spring-boot:run in directory s4e-backend.

Both methods will expose the server under http://localhost:4201.

During bootstrap Flyway will migrate the schema based on migrations placed in src/main/resources/db/migration.

In the development mode the DB is seeded by components from pl.cyfronet.s4e.db.seed. They are executed on every startup, but they can also be run by setting appropriate profiles.

If you want Products in your instance, see the instructions in Seeding Products.

To bake version into the application (to be seen by the testers, etc) package application while having environmental variable NG_VERSION set to the specified string which will be shown in the application. For example: NG_VERSION='1.1.1' ./mvnw package

Application profiles

Spring application profile can be set with the var Several profiles can be specified in a comma separated list, e.g. production,run-seed-products.



run-seed-users: Runs SeedUsers. By default doesn't force re-seed, but it can be told to do so by setting seed.users.force=true.

run-seed-places: Runs SeedPlaces.

run-seed-expert-email: Runs SeedExpertEmail.

run-seed-helpdesk-config: Runs SeedHelpdeskConfig.

run-seed-analytics-config: Runs SeedAnalyticsConfig.

DB properties

Apart from the runtime properties, there are several properties in DB table property. These can be modified with admin API, see AdminPropertyController.

scene_granule_path_prefix: the prefix necessary to build URLs of granules for GeoServer (it is set by Its format is: mailto://<bucket>/. Example: mailto://s4e-sync-1/.

expert_help_email: the mail to which all the expert help requests go. Example:

eumetsat_authority_whitelist: having a role from this list grants LICENSE_EUMETSAT as well when generating user authorities. Authorities are comma-separated. Default and example: ROLE_MEMBER_ZK,ROLE_MEMBER_PAK.

helpdesk_config: a set of helpdesk configuration variables in the following format: <key>=<value>(,<key>=<value>)+. If you're using JIRA the value should be type=jira,href=<URI_to_jira_collector> - for example:


analytics_config: a set of analytics configuration variables in the following format: <key>=<value>(,<key>=<value>)+. If you're using matomo the value should be: type=matomo,href=<matomo_url> - for example (the trailing slash is important):


Seeding Products

(Versions up to v11.0.x used Product seeding during application startup, if you need info about that removed mechanism please refer to the history of

After the backend boots up on a clean DB it will have no Schemas, Products, nor Scenes registered. To initialize them, use admin endpoints: first creating Schemas, then, Products which depend on them, and finally run a SyncJob to read Scenes in from Ceph.

Examples of their usage are in s4e-backend/src/scripts/, a script which can also be used to perform initialization based on a directory with configuration.

For the script to succeed, make sure you have correct admin credentials (admin user must be present in DB), DB hasn't been seeded with Products yet, backend and GeoServer are connected to correct S3 endpoint, and backend has a proper scene bucket set. In particular, running docker-compose up will set it up correctly (although with bogus actual s3 data, only metadata and scene files are copied with content, so GeoServer won't produce sensible imagery).

When the backend is running, issue s4e-backend/src/scripts/ http://localhost:4201 <seed-config-path>. Set <seed-config-path> to lead to a seed-config, for example: s4e-backend/seed-configs/seed-1.

Extra envvars, which can be set on script:

The script will:

The seed-config consists of a list of Schemas, Products and prefixes to scan. Schemas are placed in separate files in directory schema/, their type is determined by name. Products are put in products.json, which is an array of Product creation requests. License grants are put in license-grants.json, which is an array of LicenseGrant creation requests. The prefixes to be scanned are put line by line in prefixes.list.

The existing seed-config can be used as a base for creating custom ones, just make sure to update gs-gateway configuration when modifying product (layer) list. By default, docker-compose uses envvar GS_GATEWAY_DATASET_ENV_PATH=gsg-seed-1.env, but it can be customized.

seed-1 is configured to work with a local bucket local-dataset-1, with bogus data, however, it is also more or less synchronized with bucket s4e-sync-1 (Opad_H05, Opad_H03 and NatCol are faulty as of 2020-08-31). You can set SOK property s3.bucket or envvar S3_BUCKET to set the desired bucket name.

To access s4e-sync-1 you need to obtain production CEPH credentials, they are for example here, use endpoint. Once you have them, point your GeoServer instance to the Cyfronet CEPH by setting the following evvars in .env:



If you run with docker, package the application with ./mvnw package -DskipTests first.

If you had already created a GeoServer container you may need to recreate it: docker-compose down, to remove the container. This will also erase other containers from the project. Then, run required docker-compose services with docker-compose up -d db geoserver broker.

Then, run the backend with properties:
s3.endpoint=<path to storage>

If you run with docker, update the backend-development.env (or another env file you have wired up to s4e-backend service in docker-compose.yml) by appending:

S3_ENDPOINT=<path to storage>

The backend will initialize, then run the seeds. If you're seeding s4e-sync-1 there can be some errors in the logs, however, most likely it is fine. Nevertheless, if you see S3ClientExceptions, or too many keys not found errors, you may need to evaluate if you have correct credentials, bucket set, or if the Ceph infrastructure isn't down.

Scene updates from AMQP queue

Application can be configured to listen to notifications from an AMQP queue with S3 object updates.

In profile development this feature is enabled, and in production it has to be enabled by setting amqp.enabled=true or AMQP_ENABLED=true. By default, we disable RabbitHealthIndicator as it doesn't respond to lack of @EnableRabbit when RabbitTemplate is on classpath. To enable it, set or MANAGEMENT_HEALTH_RABBIT_ENABLED=true.

By default, the listener subscribes to queue s4e.scenes.incoming. When an error occurs during scene processing, the message is rejected with option not to requeue it. The queue should have a dead-letter exchange configured to keep such notifications.

Related properties list and their defaults:

Actuator endpoints

There are several HTTP actuator endpoints exposed:

See Actuator API docs for more information.

Custom docker-compose local configurations

To customize the docker-compose configuration locally use multiple Compose files.

An example customization would be adding a file /docker-compose.override.yml with contents:

      - backend-development.env
      - backend-custom.env

and /backend-custom.env with contents:


Both files are ignored by .gitignore, so they won't be accidentally committed and pushed to the public repository.

In this way, plain docker-compose up will pick up the override file and result in a customized behavior.

Places CSV generation

In case it is required to regenerate places.csv use PlacesXlsxToCsv tool.

First, obtain the current miejscowosci.xlsx file from PRNG. I assume you have built the jar file, so, being in the root directory, run java -cp s4e-backend/target/<jar> pl.cyfronet.s4e.tool.PlacesXlsxToCsv <path to miejscowosci.xlsx> s4e-backend/src/main/resources/db/places.csv. The generated file should overwrite the pre-existing one, and you can commit the resulting csv into the repo.


It is configured with two properties:


The values present in (and above) are taken from the reCAPTCHA FAQ and the service will always say that the response is ok when using them. To test the production experience generate the keys yourself under (You can use the domain localhost to test locally.)

JWT signing

The application has to be configured with a key-store. By default, in the development and test, we use a key-store committed to the repository.

In deployment, the key-store should be set using properties:


or envvars:

JWT_KEYSTORE=<path to key-store>
JWT_KEYSTOREPASSWORD=<key-store password>
JWT_KEYALIAS=<key alias>
JWT_KEYPASSWORD=<key password>

The application requires passwords on both key-store and key.

Example snippet to generate PKCS12 keystore $NAME.p12 and extract public key $

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $NAME.pem -out $NAME.crt
openssl rsa -pubout -in $NAME.pem -out $
openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey $NAME.pem -in $NAME.crt -out $NAME.p12

API docs

We use Swagger to create API documentation. When you run the backend Swagger-UI is exposed under http://localhost:4201/api/v1/docs.html.

In profile production only package pl.cyfronet.s4e.controller is scanned and exposed.

Static images S3 storage

This is somehow outdated, but describes the process more or less.

To easily set bucket policies, install minio client.

On Linux it is enough to run:

mkdir -p ~/bin
cp ~/bin
chmod +x mc

As ~/bin should be included in the PATH variable you can now use the tool system-wide.

Configure access to your local docker minio instance:

mc config host add local-docker http://localhost:9001 minio minio123

Copy the s4e-backend/static to tmp/minio-data creating bucket static.

Set its policy to download: mc policy set download local-docker/static.


To check for dependency updates run ../mvnw versions:display-dependency-updates versions:display-plugin-updates -U in directory s4e-backend.

It also works in the root directory:

./mvnw versions:display-dependency-updates versions:display-plugin-updates -U


Detailed frontend description can be found here

GeoServer Gateway

This component must be placed in front of GeoServer to provide licensing.

It reads and verifies JWT token in Authorization header. The token can contain a claim layers, which gives access to restricted layers and scenes.

The gateway routes WMS requests to GeoServer instance. It assumes a safe set of allowed query params.

The gateway keeps a list of OPEN and EUMETSAT layers. If a requested layer is OPEN, then no authorization takes place and the request is allowed. If a requested layer is EUMETSAT, then no authorization takes place if the requested time is more than 3h in the past. Otherwise, the accessed layer must be contained in the layers claim, otherwise the request is rejected.

Docker image

The module directory contains a Dockerfile, which can be built with docker build ..


To correctly run, the module requires the following configuration:

Server port. Property: server.port or envvar SERVER_PORT.

JWT public key. Property: jwt.public-key or envvar JWT_PUBLICKEY. It is used to verify incoming JWT tokens and it must match with the one used in s4e-backend.

GeoServer URI. Property: gateway.geoserver-uri or envvar GATEWAY_GEOSERVERURI.

OPEN layers. Property: or envvar GATEWAY_OPENLAYERS. A comma delimited list of layers with access type OPEN. (Note name collision with front-end library openlayers.)

EUMETSAT layers. Property: gateway.eumetsat-layers or envvar GATEWAY_EUMETSATLAYERS. A comma delimited list of layers with access type EUMETSAT.

An example of configuration can be found in docker-compose.yml.

Actuator endpoints

There are several HTTP actuator endpoints exposed:

See Actuator API docs for more information.

Development & Docker

In the root project directory docker-compose.yml is provide for developer's ease of use.

NOTE: As for now application components run via docker-compose have fixed ports, so make sure that there is no application (especially postgres) conflicting with them.

This docker-compose recipe can be used to either run whole application for demo purposes, or to run specific parts of the application which can be usefull if for example we would like to develop only frontend part of the application.

In order do run docker-compose following steps must be done (unless stated otherwise working directory should be project root):

NOTE: If you use the fiddev/minio-test image then you can skip points 1-4.

  1. Now it's time to get S3 data to the application. First make sure that you have minio client (mc) installed.

  2. Configure mc.

    Add configuration for local-docker and cyfronet-ceph endpoints:

    mc config host add local-docker http://localhost:9001 minio minio123
    mc config host add cyfronet-ceph <url> <access_key> <secret_key>

    You'll need access to data available here (section sat4envi/CEPH).

    If running mc ls cyfronet-ceph prints output similar to the one below it means it's all good to go:

    $ mc ls cyfronet-ceph
    [2019-03-08 18:02:34 CET]      0B data-packs/
    [2018-06-24 15:44:38 CEST]      0B marta-test/
    [2018-08-01 13:53:15 CEST]      0B s4e-test-1/
    [2019-03-06 12:02:50 CET]      0B s4e-test-2/
  3. Download s3 data for minio:

    mc cp cyfronet-ceph/data-packs/minio-data-v1.tar.xz .
    tar -xJf minio-data-v1.tar.xz -C ./tmp

    This step may not be necessary, depending on the data set used.

  4. Create a bucket with static application content as well as shown here.

  5. Run ./mvnw package -DskipTests in the root of the project, this will build artifacts for s4e-backend and s4e-web. NOTICE: In some cases packaging may fail due to inability to compile some binary dependencies for frontend packages. In that case the easiest solution is to delete s4e-web/node_modules directory (rm -rf s4e-web/node_modules)

  6. Run docker-compose up.

  7. You're done - application should be available on https://localhost:4200 and have 3 available products.

IMPORTANT If you run docker-compose up you'll get application all set up, but it does not support any kind of live reload, etc. If you plan on developing any part of the project (frontend or backend) you should run docker compose without module you would like to develop - for example:


docker-compose up -d
docker-compose stop s4e-web

And develop normally front end, while hosting it via npm start / ng serve


docker-compose up -d
docker-compose stop s4e-web
docker-compose stop s4e-backend

You will need to locally run frontend via npm start / ng serve and develop backend normally.

Production docker-compose

When you are running in production set appropriate environment variables. Most can be found in docker-compose.yml, excluding the ones which backend is configured with. The template for backend vars is placed in backend-production.env.template, but you can override other variables too. Copy the file, modify the values as required and load it by setting BACKEND_ENV_PATH=<path to file> (e.g. in .env file). (The rule for env var matching to spring properties is roughly this: SPRING_BASEPATH matches spring.basePath.)


Q: I get some FlywayException when running backend

An example exception when the backend with Flyway is run using DB with schema generated by Hibernate:

Error starting Tomcat context.
nested exception is org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Found non-empty schema(s) "public" without schema history table! Use baseline() or set baselineOnMigrate to true to initialize the schema history table.

To fix it first try to drop your current DB schema. You can connect to the DB from IntelliJ Database panel and drop all the tables (databases->sat4envi->schemas->public, select all and drop from the context menu).

Alternatively, remove and recreate DB container:

docker-compose stop db
docker-compose rm db
docker-compose up db

Q: Creating a read-only PostgreSQL user

CREATE ROLE readaccess;
GRANT readaccess TO eva;

Q: How to disable metrics for selected requests?

It's not possible for now to do that for all metered endpoints, but the gs-gateway can be instructed not to meter certain requests.

The control is on the sender side: if a request has DISABLE_METRICS query param, then it won't be counted. For example, a request for https://localhost:4200/wms?REQUEST=GetMap&<other_params>&DISABLE_METRICS won't be counted.

This feature is suited for monitoring, where a bunch of requests is issued periodically, but we don't want to report them.


Sat4Envi is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.