cyfung1031 / Emoji

A library to add Emoji support to your Android / JVM Application
Apache License 2.0
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A library to add Emoji support to your Android app. Emojis can be picked in a PopupWindow. In order to edit and display text with Emojis this library provides public APIs:

There's also a EmojiLayoutFactory, which can be used to get automatic Emoji support when using normal Android Views such as TextView, Checkbox, etc.

Material Design Library bindings can be included via:

implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-material:0.7.0'

There's also a MaterialEmojiLayoutFactory, which can be used to get automatic Emoji support.

The library has 4 different providers to choose from (iOS, Google, Facebook & Twitter).

iOS Emojis

Normal KeyboardEmoji KeyboardRecent Emojis

For getting the above iOS Emojis simply add the dependency and code below.

implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-ios:0.7.0'

And install the provider in your application class.

EmojiManager.install(new IosEmojiProvider());


Normal KeyboardEmoji KeyboardRecent Emojis

For getting the above Google Emojis simply add the dependency and code below.

implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-google:0.7.0'

And install the provider in your application class.

EmojiManager.install(new GoogleEmojiProvider());


Normal KeyboardEmoji KeyboardRecent Emojis

For getting the above Facebook Emojis simply add the dependency and code below.

implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-facebook:0.7.0'

And install the provider in your application class.

EmojiManager.install(new FacebookEmojiProvider());


Normal KeyboardEmoji KeyboardRecent Emojis

For getting the above Twitter Emojis simply add the dependency and code below.

implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-twitter:0.7.0'

And install the provider in your application class.

EmojiManager.install(new TwitterEmojiProvider());

Custom Emojis

If you want to display your own Emojis you can create your own implementation of IEmojiProvider and pass it to EmojiManager.install.

All of the core API lays in emoji, which is being pulled in automatically by the provided implementations:

implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji:0.7.0'

Set up

Inserting Emojis

Declare your EmojiEditText in your layout xml file.


To open the EmojiPopup execute the code below:

final EmojiPopup emojiPopup = EmojiPopup.Builder.fromRootView(rootView).build(emojiEditText);
emojiPopup.toggle(); // Toggles visibility of the Popup.
emojiPopup.dismiss(); // Dismisses the Popup.
emojiPopup.isShowing(); // Returns true when Popup is showing.

The rootView is the rootView of your layout xml file which will be used for calculating the height of the keyboard. emojiEditText is the EmojiEditText that you declared in your layout xml file.

Displaying Emojis


Just use the EmojiTextView and call setText with the String that contains Unicode encoded Emojis. To change the size of the displayed Emojis use the lineHeight property from TextView.

EmojiPopup Listeners

The EmojiPopup builder allows you to declare several listeners.

setOnSoftKeyboardCloseListener(OnSoftKeyboardCloseListener listener);
setOnEmojiClickListener(OnEmojiClickListener listener);
setOnSoftKeyboardOpenListener(OnSoftKeyboardOpenListener listener);
setOnEmojiPopupShownListener(OnEmojiPopupShownListener listener);
setOnEmojiPopupDismissListener(OnEmojiPopupDismissListener listener);
setOnEmojiBackspaceClickListener(OnEmojiBackspaceClickListener listener);

EmojiPopup Configuration

Custom Recent Emoji implementation

You can pass your own implementation of the recent Emojis. Implement the IRecentEmoji interface and pass it when you're building the EmojiPopup:


If no instance or a null instance is set the default implementation will be used.

Custom Variant Emoji implementation

You can pass your own implementation of the variant Emojis. Implement the IVariantEmoji interface and pass it when you're building the EmojiPopup:


If no instance or a null instance is set the default implementation will be used.


Custom keyboard enter and exit animations

You can pass your own animation style for enter and exit transitions of the Emoji keyboard while you're building the EmojiPopup:


If no style is set the keyboard will appear and exit as a regular PopupWindow. This library currently ships with two animation styles as an example:

Custom page transformers

You can pass your own Page Transformer for the Emoji keyboard View Pager while you're building the EmojiPopup:

setPageTransformer(new MagicTransformer());

If no transformer is set ViewPager will behave as its usual self. Please do note that this library currently does not ship any example Page Transformers.

Other goodies


This library is also distributed as a SNAPSHOT if you like to check out the latest features.

Note: The API is not stable and may change and break your code at any time if you use a SNAPSHOT.

Add this to your repositories:

maven { url "" }

And one of these to your dependencies:

implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-ios:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-google:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-twitter:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-facebook:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'com.vanniktech:emoji-material:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT'


No configuration needed.


Copyright (C) 2016 - Niklas Baudy, Ruben Gees, Mario Đanić and contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0