cyhnkckali / vue3-color-picker

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colorValue not updating without re-render of component. #11

Closed christywastaken closed 3 months ago

christywastaken commented 3 months ago

The value passed into v-model doesn't update the color picker value unless the component is re-rendered.

As a workaround, I can force a re-render of the component, but this doesn't feel right. This looks like:

<Vue3ColorPicker :key="componentKey"

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Vue3ColorPicker } from '@cyhnkckali/vue3-color-picker'

const conponentKey = ref(0)
const colorValue = ref('rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)') 

  (newButtonId, oldButtonId) => {
    if (newButtonId !== oldButtonId) {
      colorValue.value = ledControlState.value[newButtonId] || 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)';
      // Increment componentKey to force re-render
      componentKey.value += 1;
cyhnkckali commented 3 months ago

Hi @christywastaken,

I'll look into it as soon as I can.

kaskenov commented 3 months ago

@christywastaken is it the only color picker on the page?

christywastaken commented 3 months ago

@christywastaken is it the only color picker on the page?

Yeah, the only one.

kaskenov commented 3 months ago

@christywastaken @cyhnkckali understood, I'll fix.