cyhnkckali / vue3-color-picker

The Unlicense
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Vue 3 Color Picker

A colour selective component for Vue 3. Fast and with small package size. Gradient and Solid in one! No dependency! Fully customisable!

Features with Version 2.0

Don't forget to star for motivation :)

Try it now Live Demo

Download 1.1.9 to continue with the old version !!!

gradient solid


NPM Install

 npm i @cyhnkckali/vue3-color-picker

Yarn Install

  yarn add @cyhnkckali/vue3-color-picker


Import where you want to use it
import {Vue3ColorPicker} from '@cyhnkckali/vue3-color-picker';

Import the style file into your main.js file

import '@cyhnkckali/vue3-color-picker/dist/style.css'


<script setup>
import {Vue3ColorPicker} from '@cyhnkckali/vue3-color-picker';


    <Vue3ColorPicker v-model="value" mode="solid" :showColorList="false" :showEyeDrop="false" type="RGBA"/>

    <Vue3ColorPicker v-model="value" mode="gradient" :showColorList="false" :showEyeDrop="false"/>



Parameter Type Description
v-model string default ''
mode string solid or gradient default gradient
theme string light or dark default light
type string Return colour value type HEX8 RGBA RGB HEX default HEX8
inputType string Input type of colour values RGB HSL HSV CMYK default RGB
disabled boolean default false
local object default { angle: '', positionX: '', positionY: '', solid: '', gradient: '', linear: '', radial: '', colorPalate: '', }
colorListCount number Determines how many colours to keep in the colour list default 18
showColorList boolean default true
showEyeDrop boolean default true Supports Chrome and Edge only
showAlpha boolean default true
showInputMenu boolean default true
showInputSet boolean default true
showPickerMode boolean default true
iconClasses object default { ruler: '', eyeDroper: '', arrowDown: '', save: '', delete: '' }

CSS Colour Variables

Variables Name Hex Dark Hex
--cp-primary #5983fc #5983fc #5983fc #5983fc
--cp-container-bg #FFF #FFF #212529 #212529
--cp-select-color #2c5ae6af #2c5ae6af #2c5ae6af #2c5ae6af
--cp-range-border #f7f7f7 #f7f7f7 #f7f7f7 #f7f7f7
--cp-range-shadow #4c86f3 #4c86f3 #4c86f3 #4c86f3
--cp-container-shadow #58585881 #58585881 #2b262696 #2b262696
--cp-gray-100 #f9f9f9 #f9f9f9 #1b1c22 #1b1c22
--cp-gray-200 #f1f1f4 #f1f1f4 #26272f #26272f
--cp-gray-300 #dbdfe9 #dbdfe9 #363843 #363843
--cp-gray-400 #c4cada #c4cada #464852 #464852
--cp-gray-500 #99a1b7 #99a1b7 #636674 #636674
--cp-gray-600 #78829d #78829d #808290 #808290
--cp-gray-700 #4b5675 #4b5675 #9a9cae #9a9cae
--cp-gray-800 #252f4a #252f4a #b5b7c8 #b5b7c8
--cp-gray-900 #071437 #071437 #f5f5f5 #f5f5f5
--cp-inverse-dark #57575723 #57575723 #6b6b6b56 #6b6b6b56
--cp-inverse-white #9292920d #9292920d #92929256 #92929256
