cypherpunkengineering / cypherpunk-devops

Tools to build/deploy code, manage, and monitor our servers
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How to build OpenVPN server: FreeBSD 10.3 base

sudo pkg install git gcc autoconf automake libtool wget

How to build SoftEther server: FreeBSD 10.3 base

sudo pkg install libiconv-1.14_9 gmake

How to build OpenVPN client:

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS base

sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ autoconf automake man2html mingw-w64

How to build TAP-Windows:

[[TOC(inline, depth=1)]]

= Introduction =

TAP-Windows is an [ OpenVPN subproject] in [ GitHub]. TAP-Windows is built on a Windows box, and the [wiki:BuildingUsingGenericBuildsystem OpenVPN cross-compile buildsystem] takes care of embedding the produced TAP-Windows installer into the OpenVPN Windows installer.

If you're building [ tap-windows6] instead, please look [wiki:BuildingTapWindows6 here].

= Setting up the Windows build computer =

First install a recent version of Windows DDK and [ NSIS].

Next clone the ''tap-windows'' repository, e.g. using ''Git Bash'':

{{{ $ cd /c/users/myuser $ git clone }}}

Now set some environment variables:

{{{ set DDK=c:\WINDDK\7600.16385.1 set DEVCON32=c:\WINDDK\7600.16385.1\tools\devcon\i386\devcon.exe set DEVCON64=c:\WINDDK\7600.16385.1\tools\devcon\amd64\devcon.exe set DEVCON_BASENAME=devcon.exe set SIGNTOOL=c:\WINDDK\7600.16385.1\bin\x86\signtool.exe set MAKENSIS=C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS set OUTDIR=c:\users\myuser\tap-windows }}}

Some of these variables have sane default values, and you many not need to define all of them. If you use self-signed test certificates you also need these variables:

{{{ set CODESIGN_PKCS12=c:\Users\John\tap-windows\my-self-signed-certificate.p12 set CODESIGN_PASS=mypassphrase set CODESIGN_ISTEST=yes }}}

For paid-for software publisher certificates (SPC) you'd use something like this:

{{{ set CODESIGN_PKCS12="c:\Users\John\tap-windows\my-software-publisher-certificate.p12" set CODESIGN_PASS=mypassphrase set CODESIGN_ISTEST=no set CODESIGN_CROSS="C:\Users\John\tap-windows\ca-cross-certificate.crt" set CODESIGN_TIMESTAMP="" }}}

If you imported the kernel-mode code-signing certicate using Internet Explorer, you can use ''certmgr.exe'' to export it in PFX (=PKCS12) format. Just make sure to include the private key in the file and to give it a sufficiently strong password, which you then define using ''CODESIGN_PASS'' variable. The CA cross certificate can be obtained from your CA and most likely needs no modifications. The URL for the timestamping service is CA-specific, but trivial to locate.

To simplify variable setting in the future, you can create a batch file with all the above commands and run it before running ''configure.bat''. For details on available environment variables see


configure --help }}}

= Building TAP-windows =

First you need to configure the tap-windows build to use the variables you defined. Do this from a Visual Studio command prompt:


configure }}}

This copies the variables to ''tap-windows\config-env.bat'' and various other places. All that's left is to build the tap-windows drivers:


build }}}

If you want to customize the build further, e.g. to build a custom TAP-Windows driver that can coexist with stock OpenVPN TAP-Windows driver, you can edit the ''version.m4'' or create a separate ''config-local.m4''. Any variables in ''config-local.m4'' should override those in ''version.m4''.

Finally, if you're generating an OpenVPN installer with the your modified TAP-Windows driver, put the TAP-Windows installer on a webserver and point the [wiki:BuildingUsingGenericBuildsystem OpenVPN cross-compile buildsystem] to it.

Client configuration



Choose IKEv2 as VPN option
Server Address: <ip address of server>
Remote ID: <dns name of server, must be configured in subject DistinguishedName or subjectAltName of cert>
Local ID: <can be set to anything>
In authentication settings, choose "Username": testuser/testpassword

Cisco IPSec (IKEv1, ESP tunnel mode)

Choose Cisco IPSec as VPN option
Server Address: <ip address of server>
Account Name: testuser
Account Password: testpassword
In authentication settings, choose Shared Secret: presharedsecretkey

L2TP over IPSec

Choose L2TP over IPSec as VPN option
Server Address: <ip address of server>
Account Name: testuser
In authentication settings, choose Password: testpassword
In authentication settings, choose Shared Secret: presharedsecretkey