cypherstack / tor

Tor plugin for Flutter
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foundation-Devices/tor is a multi-platform Flutter plugin for managing a Tor proxy. Based on arti.

Getting started

Install rust

Use rustup, not homebrew. Install toolchain 1.74.

Install cargo ndk

cargo install cargo-ndk


Cargokit handles building, just flutter run it or run it in Android Studio or VS Code (untested).

To update Cargokit in the future, use:

git subtree pull --prefix cargokit main --squash


To generate tor_ffi_plugin.h C bindings for Rust, cbindgen --config cbindgen.toml --crate tor-ffi --output target/tor_ffi_plugin.h or cargo build in native/tor-ffi to produce headers according to To generate tor_bindings_generated.dart Dart bindings for C, flutter pub run ffigen --config ffigen.yaml. You will probably need to manually edit the Tor class to be final.

Example app

flutter run in example to run the example app

See example/lib/main.dart for usage. Must run the build script for your platform first.