cyraxx / jquery-material-icons-polyfill

Google Material Icons Webfont Polyfill for browsers without ligature support
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Google Material Icons Webfont Polyfill for browsers without ligature support

Allows you to use the Google Material Icons Webfont the regular way in browsers that don't support OpenType ligatures (such as IE8 and IE9) by replacing the ligatures with the corresponding Unicode code points.

How to use

Include the Material Icons Webfont and use it the regular way:

<i class="material-icons">face thumb_up</i>

To add support for older browsers then include jQuery and the polyfill and call the materialIcons() function on the document:

<script src=""></script>
    $(function() {

If you dynamically add DOM elements with Material Icons you will need to call materialIcons() on the newly added element or its container again.

Please note: The polyfill currently does not detect if the browser supports ligatures and runs even if it does, resulting in a small performance impact. It is recommendable to run it only if needed, for example using Modernizr:

if(!Modernizr.prefixed('fontFeatureSettings')) $(document).materialIcons();

Known restrictions

With native ligature support it is possible to combine multiple icons in one tag without separation:

<i class="material-icons">facethumb_up</i>

This is not currently supported by the polyfill, icons need to be separated by white space.

Updating the list of code points

A dictionary of code points is included at the top of the script and might need to be updated when Google releases a new version of the icon font. The current list is available at Google's GitHub.