cyrillef / FBX-glTF

FBX glTF importer/exporter plug-in and converter.
MIT License
210 stars 50 forks source link

glTF is the runtime asset format for WebGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenGL.

glTF is a draft specification, it may change before ratification. Everyone is encouraged to provide feedback on the specification and contribute to the open-source converter. Please create issues with your feedback.


glTF Specification 1.0


glTF is an open-source command-line pipeline tool that converts FBX file (and any file format that FBX can read such as obj, collada, ...) to glTF.

FBX importer/exporter plug-in

IO-glTF is an open-source FBX importer/exporter plug-in that converts FBX file (and any file format that FBX can read such as obj, collada, ...) to glTF.
This plug-in can be used by any FBX based application to import/export glTF files.


This sample is dependent of the following 3rd party extension:

Build the solution


Required: Visual Studio 2013 (should work with Visual Studio 2012 too, but not tested)

  1. Download and install the FBX SDK

  2. Clone or download the FBX-glTF source code

  3. Load the glTF.sln solution file in Visual Studio 2013

  4. Optional: if you did not install FBX at the standard location or use a version different from 2015.1, open the solution Property Manager and edit the User Macro FBX_SDK to point to the root of your FBX SDK. Another way is to edit the Fbx.props file and manually change the path before step 2.

  5. Build the FBX-glTF solution. NuGet will install 'casablanca' for you upon building.


Required: Mac OSX Maverick or Yosemite, Xcode 6.1.1

  1. Download and install the FBX SDK

  2. Clone or download the FBX-glTF source code

  3. Download and compile 'casablanca' on your machine. Instructions here

  4. Install ‘casablanca’ on your system by running ‘sudo make install’

  5. Recommended: Create a folder with the name you want, and go in that directory

  6. Optional: Copy the CMakeConfigExample.txt file and rename it as CMakeCache.txt in your build folder, and edit the FBX path entry. That will avoid you to type the parameters below.

  7. Execute:

    a. For a release build: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFBX_SDK=<path to FBX>

    b. For a debug build: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DFBX_SDK=<path to FBX>

    or simply ‘cmake ..’ if you followed step 6.

Note: on Mac OSX, the FBX SDK installs by default in /Applications/Autodesk/FBX SDK/2015.1


Required: gcc 4.8+ (tested on Ubuntu Linux 14.04 Desktop)

  1. Download and install the FBX SDK

  2. Clone or download the FBX-glTF source code

  3. Download and compile 'casablanca' on your machine. Instructions here

  4. Install ‘casablanca’ on your system by running ‘sudo make install’

  5. Recommended: Create a folder with the name you want, and go in that directory

  6. Optional: Copy the CMakeConfigExample.txt file and rename it as CMakeCache.txt in your build folder, and edit the FBX path entry. That will avoid you to type the parameters below.

  7. Execute:

    a. For a release build: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFBX_SDK=<path to FBX>

    b. For a debug build: cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DFBX_SDK=<path to FBX>

    or simply ‘cmake ..’ if you followed step 6.

Usage Instructions

For Windows, the files will be located in FBX-glTF\x64\Release or FBX-glTF\x64\Debug

For both Mac OXS and Linux, the files will be located in FBX-glTF/<your cmake folder>/Release or FBX-glTF//Debug

Usage: glTF [-h] [-v] [-t] [-l] [-e] [-o ] -f <input file>

-f/--file        - file to convert to glTF [string] 
-o/--output      - path of output directory [string]
-n/--name        - override the scene name [string]
-c/--copy        - copy all media to the target directory (cannot be combined with --embed)
-e/--embed       - embed all resources as Data URIs (cannot be combined with --copy)
-h/--help        - this message
-v/--version     - version

Typical command:

glTF -f MyFBXorDAEfile -o MyOutputDirectory -n NewName -c


cd FBX-glTF\models\duck
glTF -f duck.fbx -o ..\..\three.js\models\duck -n duck -c
cd ..\au
glTF -f au.fbx -o ..\..\three.js\models\au -c
glTF -f au3.fbx -o ..\..\three.js\models\au3 -e

Viewing results using Three.js

  1. Install Node.js on your computer

  2. Open a node terminal

  3. Go in directory FBX-glTF/Three.js

  4. Execute: npm install

  5. Execute: node serve.js

  6. Launch your internet favourite browser and browse to http://localhost


This sample is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for full details.

Written by

Cyrille Fauvel (Autodesk Developer Network)