cyrilou242 / jnotebook

Notebook for Java.
MIT License
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data-science java jnotebook jupyter notebook


A modern notebook system for java.

Book of jnotebook - Quickstart - Roadmap

jnotebook interprets Java JShell files and render them as notebook.



Computational notebooks allow arguing from evidence by mixing prose with executable code. For a good overview of problems users encounter in traditional notebooks like Jupyter, see I don't like notebooks and What’s Wrong with Computational Notebooks? Pain Points, Needs, and Design Opportunities.

Specifically jnotebook wants to address the following problems:

jnotebook is a notebook library for Java that aims to address these problems by doing less, namely:


jnotebook requires Java 17 or higher.

jnotebook is distributed in a single portable binary. Download it.

curl -Ls -o jnotebook
chmod +x jnotebook

Then launch.

# linux / mac os
./jnotebook server

# windows
java -jar jnotebook server

Go to http://localhost:5002. By default, the notebook folder is notebooks. If it does not exist, it will be created with an example notebook. jnotebook automatically detects when a .jsh file in the notebooks folder is edited and renders it in the web app. Once your notebook is ready to be published, render it in a single html file with:

./jnotebook render notebooks/my_notebook.jsh my_notebook.html


jnotebook requires Java 17 or higher.

Portable installation

The jnotebook binary is a portable single file. Simply download it and get running.

Mac Os/Linux

curl -Ls -o jnotebook
chmod +x jnotebook
./jnotebook server --help


curl -Ls -o jnotebook.jar
java -jar jnotebook.jar server --help

Optional - Put the binary in your path

To have jnotebook always available in your terminal, make it available in your path. You can move it in a standard folder (requires root privilege)

# Mac OS
mv jnotebook /usr/local/bin/git

# Linux 
mv jnotebook /usr/local/bin/jnotebook

Or put the binary in a folder and add the folder to your PATH.

mkdir ~/jnotebook/bin && mv jnotebook ~jnotebook/bin/jnotebook
# Linux
echo 'export PATH="/path/to/folder:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
# Mac Os
echo 'export PATH="/path/to/folder:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile

@echo off
set "folder=C:\path\to\folder"
setx PATH "%PATH%;%folder%"