Closed lisosome closed 1 year ago
@lisosome Looks like you are missing the shared library
/orfeo/cephfs/home/burlo/nardone/software/blast/ncbi-blast-2.3.0+/bin/makeblastdb: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
You may want to look it up online to get the library.
Two things to note: 1) We are making some changes to the algorithm within NanoVar and will release a new version soon. This new version wouldn't need hsblastn so that would make things easier for you. You may want to wait for this version. 2) The --cnv option is still underdeveloped and I would not recommend using it. It will be temporary removed in the newer version until further notice. Meanwhile I would recommend you to use the the CNV workflow from instead.
Thank you
@cytham Thank you very much! Looks like I've missed that row reading the log file. I'm closing the issue.
Thanks again!
Hi! I've been trying to run nanovar to detect SVs and CNVs from a low coverage run on minION. However, the workflows fails due to makeblastdb and, subsequently, hs-blastn. Nanovar (v1.4.1) has been installed via pip and the dependencies have been built following the instructions on the github page.
Here's the nanovar log: NanoVar-010823-1939.log
Here's the code I've been using: `inbam=$1 workdir=$2
module load conda samtools bedtools2 conda activate nanovar
minimap=/orfeo/cephfs/home/burlo/nardone/.conda/envs/minimap2/bin/minimap2 makeblastdb=/orfeo/cephfs/home/burlo/nardone/software/blast/ncbi-blast-2.3.0+/bin/makeblastdb hsblastn=/orfeo/cephfs/home/burlo/nardone/software/blast/queries/hs-blastn-src/v0.0.5/hs-blastn windowmsk=/orfeo/cephfs/home/burlo/nardone/software/blast/ncbi-blast-2.3.0+/bin/windowmasker
nanovar -x ont -t 24 -f hg38 --force --cnv hg38 --mm ${minimap} --mdb ${makeblastdb} --wmk ${windowmsk} --hsb ${hsblastn} ${inbam} /fast/burlo/fcrudele/resources/hgRef/GRCh38.p13/no_alt/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna ${workdir}`