cyverse-austria / ansible-ldap

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Deployment Playbooks for OpenLDAP

This is original taken from deployments.

The playbooks in this directory can be used to install OpenLDAP for the Discovery Environment (DE). This step can be skipped if an existing LDAP service will be used. Note: as of this writing, the DE has only been used with an OpenLDAP instance using an RFC 2307 schema.




This playbook installs OpenLDAP itself. This is the only playbook required for this intallation step. After installing OpenLDAP itself, this playbook installs the RFC 2307 schema and defines the following entities:

Entity Entity Type Description
Base Domain Domain This is the base for all of the other domains, and the name is configurable.
People Domain This is the base entity for all DE users.
Groups Domain This is the base entity for some groups of users.
everyone Group This is the group containing all DE users.
de_admins Group Members of this group will have administrative privileges in the DE.
de_grouper User This is an account used by DE services to access Grouper.
ldap_reader User This is the account used by Grouper and Keycloak to access LDAP.
ldap_portal User This is the account used by user-portal to access LDAP. Member of de_admins group.

Inventory Setup

The inventory for this set of playbooks contains only the LDAP node itself:


Group Variable Setup

This set of playbooks requires a few group variables:

Variable Description
dn_suffix This is the name of the base domain in the LDAP directory.
root_password This is the password of the LDAP administrative account.
de_grouper_password This is the password of the de_grouper account.
ldap_reader_password This is the password of the ldap_reader account.
ldap_portal_password This is the password of the ldap_portal account.

Example group variables file:

  dn_suffix: "dc=example,dc=org"
  root_password: "some-password"
  de_grouper_password: "some-other-password"
  ldap_reader_password: "yet-another-password"

LDAP Admin Account

The name of the administrative account is determined by the domain name (ldap.dn_suffix). For example, if the domain name is dc=example,dc=org, then the manager account is cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=org.

Installing LDAP

# vi slapd.yaml
- name: Install and Configure LDAP
  hosts: ldap
    - role: de-slapd
        dn_suffix: "dc=tugraz,dc=at"
        root_password: "notprod"
        de_grouper_password: "notprod"
        ldap_reader_password: "notprod"

Run Playbook

This installation invoves merely running the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/ slapd.yml --user root

Check status

systemctl status slapd.service