czerus / pydriverr

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python-library python3


pydriverr is python module allowing management of the webdrivers for selenium.


  1. Currently only installation from git is supported, refer to "Development" chapter for details.
  2. Set environment variable DRIVERS_HOME to point where the webdrivers should be installed

    export DRIVERS_HOME=/home/$USER/webdrivers
    setx DRIVERS_HOME "%USERPROFILE%\webdrivers"


Installed module provides pydriverr command which allows performing following actions:

Following webdriver types are supported:

In order see list of available commands:

$ pydriverr --help

In order to get description and parameters list of given command:

$ pydriverr command --help



Download certain version of given WebDriver type

# Install newest chrome WebDriver for OS and arch on which pydriverr is run:
$ pydriverr install -d chrome

# Install given chrome Webdriver version for OS and arch on which pydriverr is run:
$ pydriverr install -d chrome -v 89.0.4389.23

# Install newest gecko WebDriver for given OS but the arch is taken from current OS:
$ pydriverr install -d gecko -o linux

# Install given gecko WebDriver version for given OS and arch, no matter the current OS
$ pydriverr install -d gecko -v 0.28.0 -o linux -a 64

# Install newest gecko WebDriver for current OS and 64 bit arch
$ pydriverr install -d gecko -a 64

# Install chrome driver matching version to installed Google Chrome browser (OS and arch matching current system)
$ pydriverr install -d chrome -m


Update given WebDriver or all installed WebDrivers

# Update chrome WebDriver:
$ pydriverr update -d chrome

# Update chrome and gecko WebDrivers:
$ pydriverr update -d chrome -d gecko

# Update all installed WebDrivers:
$ pydriverr update


Delete given WebDriver or all installed WebDrivers

# Remove installed chrome WebDriver:
$ pydriverr delete -d chrome

# Remove installed chrome and gecko WebDrivers:
$ pydriverr delete -d chrome -d gecko

# Remove all installed WebDrivers:
$ pydriverr delete


Delete cache directory. Cache directory grows while new drivers are downloaded.

# Delete cache directory, it will be recreated on next pydriverr run
$ pydriverr clear-cache


List of WebDrivers available to install - of given type

# Show list of WebDrivers available to install for given driver type.
# List contains versions and supported OS and architectures
$ pydriverr show-available -d chrome


List installed WebDrivers in a form of table

# Show all installed WebDrivers
$ pydriverr show-installed


Show where WebDrivers are downloaded to and cache dir with usage data

$ pydriverr show-env


  1. Clone the repository

    $ git clone
  2. Install Poetry

  3. If you want to create virtual env inside the same folder:

    $ poetry config true
  4. Install project and all dependencies using poetry.

    $ poetry install
  5. Add code

  6. Check linting and formatting by running

    # To check 
    $ python
    # To fix
    $ python --fix    
  7. Run all tests with coverage:

    $ python3 -m pytest tests --cov=pydriverr --cov-report html --cov-report term -vv
  8. Commit and push