czi-catalystproject / hub-champion-training
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JupyterHub Administration to Empower Research Communities

This repo contains the Jupyter Book source files for the Hub Champion Training.


This lesson is aimed at Hub Champions in charge of 2i2c managed JupyterHubs in the cloud. Learn the fundamentals of administering your hub and providing user support to your research and education communities.

Training is delivered over two synchronous workshops, each one hour in length a week apart. The week in between is dedicated to self-guided study with asynchronous support provided by the instructors, which we estimate at least four hours of work.

[!WARNING] This lesson is a under active development.

[!NOTE] Versión en español

Getting Started

We recommend editing the contents of this repo using the 2i2c Community Showcase Hub.

[!NOTE] If you require collaborator access to contribute to this repo, please Get in Touch. Otherwise, you can fork this repository instead.

  1. Access the 2i2c Community Showcase Hub at If you require authorisation to access this hub, please Get in Touch.

  2. Select the Shared Small: 1-4 CPU, 8-32 GB server option and in the Image dropdown box select Handbook Authoring.

  3. Once the JupyterLab interface has loaded, set up GitHub authentication with gh-scoped-creds. This allows you to pull and push to GitHub repos securely. To enable this, open a terminal, run the command


    and follow the prompts to enter your code at

  4. Git clone this project repo using the Terminal with the command

    git clone
  5. Follow the instructions in Localisation to Spanish for authoring and previewing content using Jupyter Book.

[!CAUTION] We do not recommend entering your GitHub credentials (GitHub password, personal access tokens or otherwise) on any kind of shared infrastructure (e.g. private and public cloud, HPC, any remote machine) as this information will be at risk. We highly advise using gh-scoped-creds for authentication on our hubs. Read this article for more information.

NOTE: GitHub permissions for 2i2c-org and czi-catalystproject owners These are extra instructions for GitHub [2i2c-org]( and [czi-catalystproject]( owners to grant permissions to collaborators when requested. **Access to the Community Showcase Hub** Add the Hub Champion to the `2i2c-community-showcase/access-2i2c-showcase` team with maintainer rights, and community/test users as a general member of `2i2c-community-showcase`. This is so that Hub Admins can then add community users/test users to the `access-2i2c-showcase` team using their maintainer rights to *practise* granting access to the Showcase Hub as part of their hub champion training. **Add collaborator to [this project repo](** Go to the [GH repo](, click *Settings -> Access - Collaborators and teams* and add the relevant user or team. Assign the *Write* role in the first instance (this can be upgraded later if needed). **Info about `gh-scoped-creds` and GitHub App** The GitHub App [2i2c Community Showcase Hub]( is currently installed on `czi-catalystproject/website` and `czi-catalystproject/hub-champion-training` repos to enable `gh-scoped-creds`.

Localisation to Spanish

The following are instructions for localising the Jupyter Book to Spanish, adapted from the Sphinx documentation.

  1. Open a Terminal and navigate to the hub-champion-training folder

    cd hub-champion-training/
  2. If a file does not exist in this folder, or if you have made changes to _config.yml, then automatically generate this from the _config.yml with

    jupyter-book config sphinx .

    (See Jupyter Book docs)

  3. Generate .pot files with gettext to extract all translatable strings from the doctree

    jupyter-book build --builder custom --custom-builder gettext .

    The generated .pot files will be placed in the _build/gettext directory. The .pot files are empty template files and need to be updated if the source content changes. The msgid line contains the source text. The empty msgstr line will eventually contain the actual translation in the .po file.

  4. Create .po files in the locale folder in the es_LA target language (ensure that the locale folder matches the locale_dirs setting in _config.yml)

    sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -d locale -l es_LA

    The generated .po files are the files that will contain the actual translations in the msgstr lines that are created in the next step.

  5. Translate the .po files located inside the locale/es_LA/LC_MESSAGES folder as required, e.g. with human translation services, machine translation or professional translation services with Crowdin.

  6. Build the HTML files in English (the source language)

    jupyter-book build .
  7. Build the HTML files in Spanish (the target language)

    jupyter-book config sphinx .
    sphinx-build -b html -D language=es_LA . _build/html/es
  8. Open a new Terminal and navigate to the HTML folder using the command

    cd hub-champion-training/_build/html/
  9. Run a simple Python webserver with the command

    python -m http.server
  10. Open a new browser tab and preview the Spanish version of the website by opening the following URL


[!TIP] If you run into the following error sphinx.errors.SphinxError: This environment is incompatible with the selected builder, please choose another doctree directory. try cleaning the build outputs first before building again

jupyter-book clean .
jupyter-book build .


On push to main:

On cron schedule and manual trigger:






Acknowledgements and Funding

We would like to acknowledge Chan Zuckerberg Initiative funding for the "A Collaborative Interactive Computing Service Model for Global Communities" project and our partner organisations:

Contacting us

If you would like to get in touch with us, then please open an issue or email