cztchoice / vimkey

Add some vim key bindings to firefox to ease keyboard browsing
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An addon that provide vim keybings to firefox. Like vimkeybindings you may know.

This addon provide the follow key bindings.(J means shift + j, not CAPLOCKS j,etc.)

j/k - scroll down/up
h/l - previous/next tab
J/K - scroll page down/up
r - reload tab
d - close current tab
g - scroll to top
G - scrol to bottom
H/L - go back/forword
t - create new tab
u - undo remove tab
ESC - exit edit mode to make the keybindings efficient

ChangeLog: 2013.6.16 Add exclude url list, you can find it in the preference page


  1. Make new tab focus on the address bar
  2. While you change the exclude url, if you enter a char '/', you will goto the search bar, this is very annoying.