d-buzz / d.buzz-client

A New Era of Social Media on the Hive Blockchain
The Unlicense
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D.Buzz Frontend

Introduction to D.Buzz

D.Buzz: A New Era of Social Media on the Hive Blockchain

D.Buzz is an innovative social media platform that reimagines online social interaction. Built on the Hive blockchain, it stands out for its decentralized nature and focus on user empowerment. Unlike conventional social media, D.Buzz prioritizes freedom of speech and privacy, utilizing blockchain technology to enhance user experience.

Key Features:


D.Buzz represents a significant development in the intersection of social media and blockchain technology, offering a platform where user rights, creativity, and secure, transparent governance are key. It's an exciting step forward for those seeking a more decentralized and rewarding social media experience.

D.Buzz Frontend

This is the frontend codebase that powers the D.Buzz social platform. It is built using React and Redux.

Overview and Main Pages

The project's frontend is structured around several key pages, each serving a distinct purpose within the D.Buzz platform:

The frontend utilizes Redux for global state management, with Sagas handling data fetching asynchronously. React Router is employed for navigation and routing across the platform, ensuring users can smoothly transition between pages. Additionally, the components/ directory contains reusable UI components that are utilized throughout the application to maintain a consistent look and feel.

Data Fetching

Data is fetched from the D.Buzz endpoint server using Redux Sagas. The main requests are handled in services/api.js, which contains the API calls to the D.Buzz server. These calls are made to the D.Buzz endpoint server which provides the necessary API calls that are not available through the standard Hive blockchain API.

The API calls include fetching posts, comments, user profiles, and other related data. The SEARCH_API uses the D.Buzz endpoint server to provide the necessary API calls that are not available through the standard Hive blockchain API. The data is retrieved using JSON-RPC calls over HTTP to rpc.d.buzz. The responses from these calls are then processed and managed within the Redux store, with related actions and reducers located in store/*.js.

The services/api.js file abstracts the complexity of direct blockchain interactions and provides simple methods that are used throughout the application to request and receive data from the Hive blockchain.


Reusable components are located in components/. This includes common UI elements in elements/ as well as core containers like:










The site uses JSS for styling components. The main theme file with base styles is services/theme.js and components define styles using react-jss.


Before starting the dev server, make sure you setup .env.development and .env.production files with your own variables.

To run locally:

yarn install
yarn start

This will start the dev server at http://localhost:3000.

To run tests:

yarn test

This will execute the test suite and output the results.

Embedding the Buzz Button

The Buzz Button allows users to easily share content on DBuzz from any website. To embed the Buzz Button, include the following anchor element with the dbuzz-share-button class in your HTML:

<a class="dbuzz-share-button" href="https://github.com/d-buzz/d.buzz-client/blob/production/WEB_INTENT_URL">Buzz</a>

Replace WEB_INTENT_URL with the URL to the DBuzz Web Intent Composer. You can customize the button using data-* attributes for text, size, hashtags, and minimum character count.

Include the buzzWidget.js script in your page template to enable the Buzz Button:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://github.com/d-buzz/d.buzz-client/raw/production/BUZZ_WIDGET_JS_URL"></script>

Replace BUZZ_WIDGET_JS_URL with the URL to the buzzWidget.js script.

Build & Deploy

To create a production build:

yarn build 

The app is configured to build from the master branch.


We warmly welcome community contributions to D.Buzz. Whether it's reporting bugs, suggesting enhancements, or submitting pull requests for bug fixes and new features, your involvement is invaluable to the project.

How to Contribute:

  1. Clone and Branch: Start by cloning the dev branch: git clone -b dev https://github.com/d-buzz/d.buzz-client.git. Create a local branch for your contributions.
  2. Develop and Test: Make your changes and test them thoroughly. Please adhere to the coding conventions and guidelines as outlined in our documentation.
  3. Open a Pull Request (PR): Once you're ready, open a PR against the dev branch. Ensure your PR description clearly explains your changes or the issue it resolves.
  4. Review Process: Your PR will be reviewed by the maintainers. This process ensures that the codebase remains consistent and that the quality of the project is maintained.
  5. Deployment:
    • Testnet: Changes merged into the dev branch will be deployed to the testnet branch for beta testing.
    • Mainnet: Once we confirm the stability of the changes on testnet, they will be merged into the stable branch and subsequently deployed to the mainnet for production.


Community Engagement:

Your contributions, big or small, play a significant part in the evolution of D.Buzz. We thank you for your support and enthusiasm!

Lite Accounts with MetaMask and Ceramic Network

D.Buzz now supports lite accounts, allowing users to log in using their MetaMask wallets and interact with the Ceramic Network. This integration provides a seamless experience for users who prefer to use their Ethereum credentials and decentralized identity profiles.

MetaMask Login

Users can easily log in to D.Buzz using their MetaMask wallet. This feature leverages the widely-used Ethereum wallet to authenticate users without the need for traditional sign-up processes.

Ceramic Network Integration

Ceramic Network is a decentralized data network that enables the creation, hosting, and sharing of data without centralized control. By integrating with Ceramic, D.Buzz allows users to manage their decentralized identities and store data in a secure, user-controlled environment.

Accessing Lite Accounts

To work with lite accounts, you need to switch to the lite branch in the project repository. You can do this by running the following commands in your terminal:

git checkout lite

This will switch your local workspace to the lite branch where you can make changes and test lite account features.


This project is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.

For more information, please refer to http://unlicense.org/

Contact, Support, and Reporting Issues

For any questions, support issues, or to report bugs with the platform, please visit our chat at https://chat.d.buzz. We appreciate your contributions to improving D.Buzz.


Perform a lint test: npm run lint

Commit Messages

We use Semantic Commit Messages: https://gist.github.com/joshbuchea/6f47e86d2510bce28f8e7f42ae84c716


We use Semantic Versioning for our releases: https://semver.org/