d-oit / Doit.Comdirect.Rest.Api

C# .NET Rest API for comdirect
MIT License
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Build and Test .NET 8 release branch


C# .NET Rest API for comdirect

Get your oAuth client credentials before you start: https://kunde.comdirect.de/itx/oauth/privatkunden?execution=e3s1


  1. Download the latest swagger json from https://kunde.comdirect.de/cms/media/comdirect_rest_api_swagger.json
  2. Change the comdirect type "cd_secondary" to "password
    "CdSecondary": {
      "type": "oauth2",
      "tokenUrl": "https://api.comdirect.de/oauth/token",
      "flow": "cd_secondary", >>  **"flow": "password"**,
  3. Install the Visual Studio extension to generate the C# Client: https://github.com/unchase/Unchase.OpenAPI.Connectedservice
  4. Generate the client comdirect-unchase-openapi.png
  5. Manage user secrets for the project with your comdirect credentials. Define in the appsettings.json
    "ComdirectCredentials": {
    "ClientId": null,
    "ClientSecret": null,
    "Pin": null,
    "Username": null

Test the flow

Start the Console project https://github.com/do-it-ger/Comdirect.Rest.Api/blob/master/Console.ComdirectApi/Program.cs

Active the login with the comdirect photoTan App https://kunde.comdirect.de/cms/sicherheit-pin-tan.html#mobiletan

Use api carefully!

comdirect API doc:

2.3 Anlage Validierung einer Session-TAN POST URL-Präfix/session/clients/{clientId}/v1/sessions/{sessionId}/validate Beschreibung: Für das nun bekannte Session-Objekt wird in diesem Schritt eine TAN-Challenge angefordert.


Das Abrufen von fünf TAN-Challenges ohne zwischenzeitliche Entwertung einer korrekten TAN führt zur Sperrung des Onlinebanking-Zugangs

