d-tree-org / opensrp-client-chw-kk

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OpenSRP CHW Client

An open source digital health platform for frontline health workers.

The CHW Client is an OpenSRP application used by Community Health Workers (CHWs), Community Health Assistants (CHAs) and their supervisors to enumerate all households in their catchment area and provide routine child health, antenatal care (ANC), and postnatal care (PNC) services in the community.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Tools and Frameworks Setup

Development setup

Steps to set up

Clone OpenSRP CHW Client Kizazi Kijacho

git clone https://github.com/d-tree-org/opensrp-client-chw-kk.git

Clone OpenSRP client chw core module library

git clone https://github.com/d-tree-org/opensrp-client-chw-core.git

Publish OpenSRP client chw core module library locally in your machine

./gradlew uploadArchives -PmavenLocal=true

Clone OpenSRP Client Family Library

git clone https://github.com/d-tree-org/opensrp-client-family.git

Publish OpenSRP Client Family Library locally in your machine

./gradlew uploadArchives -PmavenLocal=true

Create a github.properties file in a project root directory and add your github username and authentication key


Add the provided credentials to your local.properties file of your OpenSRP CHW Client Kizazi Kijacho app

Enable Google Services Plugin by adding google-services.json file into module (app-level) directory of your OpenSRP CHW Client Kizazi Kijacho app

Finally build and run the app from your IDE. Visit OpenSRP android client app build for more information

Running the tests

Android client unit tests


Production releases



We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository. For more details check out https://semver.org/



Contribution guidelines


Wiki OpenSRP Documentation


Email: mailto:techteam@d-tree.org Slack workspace:


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details