d1chiqua / expertiza

Expertiza is a web application through which students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). The Expertiza project is supported by the National Science Foundation.
MIT License
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Peer review system

Expertiza is a web application where students can submit and peer-review learning objects (articles, code, web sites, etc). It is used in select courses at NC State and by professors at several other colleges and universities.


NCSU VCL image

The expertiza environment is already set up in NC State's VCL image "[CSC517, S18] Ruby on Rails / Expertiza".

Using the VCL is the quickest way to get started, but you may find it awkward developing on a remote machine with network lag and having to reinstall gems every time you connect. Installing locally can be a pain though too. Life is full of tradeoffs. :-) The good news is that you can start on one environment, push your work to git, and switch to another environment if you don't like the one you started with.

Steps after getting a VCL reservation

Installing locally

See the Google doc on setting up the Expertiza development environment.

Depreciation warning: See the Expertiza wiki for setup instructions. Please update the wiki with corrections or additional helpful information. (http://wiki.expertiza.ncsu.edu/index.php/Development:Setup:OSX, http://wiki.expertiza.ncsu.edu/index.php/Development:Setup:Linux:RHEL, http://wiki.expertiza.ncsu.edu/index.php/Creating_a_Linux_Development_Environment_for_Expertiza_-_Installation_Guide)


Style Guidelines

We've had many contributors in the past who have used a wide variety of ruby coding styles. It's a mess, and we're trying to unify it.

All new files/contributions should:

When editing existing files:

Please do no go crazy changing old code to match these guidelines; it will just create lots of potential merge conflicts. Applying style guidelines to code you add and modify is good enough. :-)

Instructions to get production database ssh into a computer running Expertiza, e.g., an NCSU VCL node. ssh into expertiza.csc.ncsu.edu On production server, run mysqldump -uroot -p --databases expertiza_production > dump.sql #exports database from production On VCL, run sudo iptables -I INPUT -p TCP -s -j ACCEPT #allows SCP requests Run SCP to your VCL scp dump.sql unity_id>@<VCL_IP:/home/ mysql -uroot -p expertiza_development < dump.sql #loads database into production