d2hydro / hydamo

module to work with Hydro Data Models (HyDAMO)
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Module to work with the Dutch Hydrological Data Model (HyDAMO)

Install a copy

pip install -e .

Get Started

To start working, import the hydamo datamodel:

from hydamo.datamodel import HyDAMO

hydamo = HyDAMO()

The hydamo-object will have have GeoPandas.GeoDataFrame for every layer defined by HyDAMO, e.g. HydroObject. You can access this layer by calling the layer as hydamo-property:


You can set data from an existing feature-file, e.g. an ESRI shapefile by calling the method set_data:

hydroobject_gdf = gpd.read_file(`hydroobject.shp`)

# map all your columns  (and dtypes!) in `hydroobject_gdf` to HyDAMO


Finally you can write the entire model into one GeoPackage by calling the to_geopackage method on the hydamo-class:
