d4l3k / starry

A starbound server manager with an API for remote administration.
MIT License
15 stars 1 forks source link


A starbound server proxy that adds ingame commands, item giving, banning and a couple of other features. It is compariable to Project Starlight or Starrybound.

Source is on GitHub and has the most upto date information: https://github.com/d4l3k/starry


Pretty Pictures

Join/Leave messages, MOTD and admin chat highlighting:

Join Messages

Ingame commands:


Giving Items:


Interactice CLI (old pic):



Starry CLI - Welcome to Starry!
Starry is a command line Starbound and remote access administration tool.
> help
    - Connected client information (UUID, IP).
    - Show online players
  say <sender name> <message>
    - Say something.
  broadcast <message>
    - Show grey text in chat.
  color <color> <message>
    - Similar to broadcast but with color.
  help [<command>]
    - Information on commands.
  log [<count>]
    - Last <count> or 20 log messages.
  nick <name>
    - Change your character's name. In game only.
  item <name> <item> <count>
    - Give items to a player
    - View the MOTD
  setmotd <message>
    - Sets the MOTD
    - List loaded worlds.
    - Show ban list.
  ban <name>
    - Ban an IP by player name.
  banip <ip> [<name>]
    - Ban an IP or range (eg. 8.8.8.).
  unban <name>
    - Unban an IP by name.
  unbanip <ip>
    - Unban an IP.
    - Lists the admins.
  adminadd <name>
    - Adds a player to the admin list.
  adminrem <name>
    - Removes a player from the admin list.


Needed Software

Starry is written in Go(lang) which is availible in most Linux distributions. Use your package manager to install it.

Links to downloads are provided here for Windows, Mac OSX and other Linux distributions:



Modify starbound.config in your linux64(/32) folder and change gamePort to be 21024, or whatever port you would like. You should then modify your firewall to block this port. Alternatively, if you're selectively port-forwarding ports, don't port forward 21024.

On Linux you can do this by running:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 21024 -j DROP

Modify starry.config to your prefered values.

ServerPath: This should be the path to the starbound_server executable.
LogFile: This is the path to the log file location. If you leave this blank it will append ".log" to the ServerPath.
ServerAddress: Address that the Starbound server can be connected to at. You should leave this as is, and modify "gamePort" in the starbound.config file in the ServerPath folder to be 21024.
ProxyAddress: The address that Starry binds to. This should probably be left as is.
Password: A password for remote admin access. Not used ATM. Will be used for the web interface.
MOTD: A message to display to users upon connection. Leave blank to disable.
FirstConnectItems: A key value pair of starbound items and quantities that will be given on first connect. If the quantity is over ~150 it will give a stack of 1000 (needs to be fixed).
Admins: A list of admins. Can be added to using 'addadmin' and 'deladmin'.
Bans: Leave this as is unless you know what you are doing. This is used by Starry to save the bans.
Remembered: List of remembered players UUIDs. Don't touch.

To launch it:

go run starry.go


The code is free to use and licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2013 Tristan Rice