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OSPOS Private branch. New features and ideas discussion that might reach or not the public repo.
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Open Source Point of Sale Logo

Open Source Point of Sale

Introduction · Demo · Installation · Contributing · Bugs · FAQ · Donate · License · Credits

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👋 Introduction

Open Source Point of Sale is a web-based point of sale system. The application is written in PHP, uses MySQL (or MariaDB) as the data storage back-end, and has a simple but intuitive user interface.

The latest 3.4 version is a complete overhaul of the original software. It uses CodeIgniter 4 as a framework and is based on Bootstrap 3 using Bootswatch themes. Along with improved functionality and security.

The features include:

🧪 Live Demo

We've got a live version of our latest master running for you to play around with and test everything out. It's a containerized install that will reinitialize when new functionality is merged into our code repository.

You can find the demo here and log in with these credentials.
👤 Username admin
🔒 Password pointofsale

If you bump into an issue, please check the status page here to confirm if the server is up and running.

🖥️ Development Demo

Besides the demo of the latest master, we also have a development server that builds when there's a new commit to our repository. It's mainly used for testing out new code before merging it into the master. It can be found here.

The log in credentials are the same as the regular live demo.

💾 Installation

Please refrain from creating issues about installation problems before having read the FAQ and going through existing GitHub issues. We have a build pipeline that checks the sanity of our latest repository commit, and in case the application itself is broken then our build will be as well.

This application can be set up in many different ways and we only support the ones described in the INSTALL.md file.

For more information and recommendations on support hardware, like receipt printers and barcode scanners, read this page on our wiki.

✨ Contributing

Everyone is more than welcome to help us improve this project. If you think you've got something to help us go forward, feel free to open a [pull request]() or join the conversation on Element.

Want to help translate Open Source Point of Sale in your language? You can find our Weblate here, sign up, and start translating. You can subscribe to different languages to receive a notification once a new string is added or needs updating. Have a look at our guidelines below to help you get started.

Only with the help of the community, we can keep language translations up to date. Thanks!

🐛 Reporting Bugs

Before creating a new issue, you'll need copy and include the info under the System Info tab in the configuration section in most cases. If that information is not provided in full, your issue might be tagged as pending.

If you're reporting a potential security issue, please refer to our security policy found in the SECURITY.md file.

NOTE: If you're running non-release code, please make sure you always run the latest database upgrade script and download the latest master code.


🏃 Keep the Machine Running

If you like our project, please consider buying us a coffee through the button below so we can keep adding features.

Donate\ Or refer to the FUNDING.yml file.

If you choose to deploy OSPOS in the cloud, you can contribute to the project by using DigitalOcean and signing up through our referral link. You'll receive a free $200, 60-day credit if you run OSPOS in a DigitalOcean droplet through our referral link.

📄 License

Open Source Point of Sale is licensed under MIT terms with an important addition:

The footer signature "© 2010 - current year · opensourcepos.org · 3.x.x - hash" including the version, hash and link to our website MUST BE RETAINED, MUST BE VISIBLE IN EVERY PAGE and CANNOT BE MODIFIED.

Also worth noting:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

For more details please read the LICENSE file.

It's important to understand that although you are free to use the application, the copyright has to stay and the license agreement applies in all cases. Therefore, any actions like:

In short, you are free to use the application, but you cannot claim any property on it.

Any person or company found breaching the license agreement might find a bunch of monkeys at the door ready to destroy their servers.

🙏 Credits

Travis CI
IntelliJ IDEA Logo
Travis CI Logo
Many thanks to JetBrains for providing a free license of IntelliJ IDEA to kindly support the development of OSPOS. Many thanks to Travis CI for providing a free continuous integration service for open source projects.