dabeedc / teamesse

Our project is for people who require extra motivation to study and those who want to partake in building good study habits in a collaborative matter. Users will be able to use the pomodoro timer and then be able to share their study stats with others. We will store user profiles i.e. status (occupation/student/school), things they are studying for/working on, their studying stats, and brief info about the user. Users will be able to share their studying stats with other users on the app and comment on progress towards each others' goals. For stretch goals, we will consider implementing a live pomodoro timer (shared sessions) and voice chat and/or video calling, if time permits.
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application beautiful collaboration focus motivation success team teamwork timemanagement


1. Project Description

Our project is for people who require extra motivation to study and those who want to partake in building good study habits in a collaborative matter. Users will be able to use the pomodoro timer and then be able to share their study stats with others. We will store user profiles i.e. status (occupation/student/school), things they are studying for/working on, their studying stats, and brief info about the user. Users will be able to share their studying stats with other users on the app and comment on progress towards each others' goals. For stretch goals, we will consider implementing a live pomodoro timer (shared sessions) and voice chat and/or video calling, if time permits.

2. Project Task Requirements

Minimal Requirements:

Standard Requirements:

Stretch Requirements:

pomodoro userprofile

3. Tools from CPSC 455 we used in our project


The UI of our application is built with React. We built our app with the Material-UI React component library and organized our jsx files by features (eg. Statistics, Subjects, Pomodoro Clock, User Settings, Auth). We created reusable components to reduce code duplication and prioritized reusability and extensibility in the composition of our components. In addition, we have used CSS to style the different components and to implement app responsiveness to further enhance user experience.


We are using Redux to manage the global state of our application. We use the Redux store to manage various pieces of state including themes, current user details, and pomodoro clock state.


For our backend API, we used NodeJS with Express.js to expose a REST API on a webserver that is called by our UI. We separated our API routes into auth, profile, session, and stats. We are also hosting a WebSocket server on the same port as our Express server, which we will discuss further in the Above and Beyond functionality.


We are storing persistent data in MongoDB. We opted to store all of our user data (including pomodoro session) in one MongoDB collection. We thought about maintaining separate collections for user profiles and pomodoro sessions, but opted for the one-collection approach to avoid the need for relational queries. A few of our REST API endpoints return aggregated data from MongoDB (eg. average time of a pomodoro session per day) which are made using queries to MongoDB.


To deploy our application, we utilized Heroku. Our Heroku application has GitHub integration enabled, allowing us to automatically deploy our application via continuous delivery whenever we make a merge to the main branch in our GitHub repository.

4. Description of Above and Beyond functionality

Pomodoro Clock Server (WebSocket API)

To facilitate the social aspect of the pomodoro clock, we implemented a WebSocket server that is served on the same NodeJS HTTP server as our Express.js REST API. We came up with a complex client-server messaging system with the WebSocket API to broadcast messages in a study room, allow users to send instant messages to each other, and see a list of users in each room. WebSockets allow us to provide real-time updates to our users to create a truly social experience.

Any user in a study room can control the pomodoro clock, which will trigger the corresponding action in the WebSocket server (eg. starting/stopping/pausing/resetting the clock). Once a focus or break session is over, the server will send a message to the client that the session is complete, and the client can react to the message appropriately.


Focus Mode

To facilitate a true pomodoro experience, we implemented a focus mode in the pomodoro clock that dims the background and brings the clock to the center of the page using CSS. Additionally, we disable the chat functionality in the study room to help our users avoid distraction. We used CSS transitions/shadows as well as custom pointer-events behaviour to implement this feature.


Customized Tooltip

To visualize the individual data points in the data visualization components, including the Subjects and Statistics pages, we have created the customized tooltip. The tooltip allows users to hover each data point in the calendar map which displays the specific calendar date (YYYY-MM-DD) with the total minutes of pomodoro sessions completed. In the Subjects page, the tooltip allows users to hover each section of the data chart which displays the subject with the accumulated minutes studied.
sessiontt stattt subjectstt


We wanted to have some interactivity between our users since this is a social application at its core. We added the ability for users to react to each other's pomodoro sessions with emojis. In the Explore page, each pomodoro session has a list of emojis and a count of how many reactions there were for each emoji on that session.



In addition, we have implemented a drop down menu with various themes available to users - default, slate, and light green for user preference. The different color schemas will allow users to customize and choose a specific thematic background to their preference across all the pages of the app. default slate lightgreen

Responsive Calendar

The responsive calendar utilizes the nivo api with the dedicated backend endpoint. To populate the responsive calendar with the user data of the pomodoro sessions, we have implemented aggregated query from MongoDB to fetch the information about the data and the total duration of pomodoro sessions completed per date. The responsive calendar also includes the discussed custom tooltip to display the statistics information.


CSS, Responsive Design

For our pomodoro app, we have went above and beyond to achieve app responsiveness. For example, in the Statistics page, the pomodoro statistics cards and the statistics calendar adjust accordingly in response to the width of the browser for enhanced user experience. The statistics calendar rotates sideways to re-adjust and fit according to the specified width of the page. The pomodoro statistics cards re-adjust by stacking vertically to align with the changed width of the page.


5. Description of Next Steps

For next steps, we would like to add the functionality of adding and connecting with friends for pomodoro sessions and provide the additional social aspect to the application. Furthermore, we would like to further improve the app by including the feature for users to create custom pomodoro groups and invite other users/friends to join for collaborative study sessions. Also, we would like to add the interactive feature for users to share screen, video call, and collaborate in the study sessions.

6. List of Contributions

Scott King (x2f2b)

James Park (y3o8)

David Chung (d4n1b)

Anson Chung (m0j2b)

Application Gallery

teamesse landing page


Login card


Signup card


Dashboard with all features available


Customizable focus and break intervals


Elegant data visualization


Quickly edit user profile
