== Evercookie
{}[http://travis-ci.org/daddyz/evercookie] {}[http://badge.fury.io/rb/evercookie] {}[https://codeclimate.com/github/daddyz/evercookie]
Evercookie is a gem allowing you to use very persistent cookies on your rails project to track existing users on your system. It's javascript is based on https://github.com/samyk/evercookie javascript. Please note, that evercookie can't be fully reliable for detecting previous visiting of your site/application. For people who know the job it's simple enough to override it.
As written on original javascript {site}[http://samy.pl/evercookie/], when creating a new cookie, it uses the following storage mechanisms when available:
== Information
=== RDoc
RDoc documentation can be found here http://rubydoc.info/github/daddyz/evercookie/master/frames
=== Bug reports
If you discover a problem with Evercookie gem, let us know about it. https://github.com/daddyz/evercookie/issues
=== Example application
You can see an example of evercookie working in test/dummy application of this gem
== Getting started
Evercookie works was written and tested on Rails 3.2/4. You can add in to your Gemfile with:
gem 'evercookie'
Run the bundle command to install it.
=== View helpers
View helper that adds javascript for setting the evercookie for client:
set_evercookie(:key, :value)
View helper that checks whether the cookie was set on client side and resets if some of cookies were deleted:
=== Controller helpers
Controller helper that gets the value of evercookie by key:
Controller helper that checks if specific evercookie was set:
evercookie_is_set?(:key) evercookie_is_set?(:key, :value)
=== How it works
When you are calling:
=== How this gem should be used
The main idea of this gem is to set somewhere in application an evercookie to track that this client already visited your application. I used it to track multiple registrations in such scenario:
After user was registered he was passed to specific view where I called set_evercookie helper:
set_evercookie(:uid, user_unique_id)
In user sign up page view I called check_evercookie helper:
In controller that was handling new user creation process I was running evercookie_get_value helper to check if previously I got evercookie value from user, and if I got it I was showing an error:
=== Configuring the gem
You can create the initializer for evercookie gem in your Rails application initializers folder:
Evercookie.setup do |config|
config.namespace = :evercookie
# name of javascript class to be used for evercookie
config.js_class = :evercookie
# hash name base for session storage variables
config.hash_name = :evercookie
# cookie name for cache storage
config.cookie_cache = :evercookie_cache
# cookie name for png storage
config.cookie_png = :evercookie_png
# cookie name for etag storage
config.cookie_etag = :evercookie_etag
# enable/disable http basic auth (leads to problems if your app uses http basic auth)
config.basic_auth = true
=== Hiding evercookie presence in your application
If you really want to hide that you are using evercookie you should do several things (as I see it):