daeyun / vim-matlab

Neovim plugin for MATLAB
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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E492: Not an editor command: MatlabCliOpenInMatlabEditor #22

Open sadid opened 6 years ago

sadid commented 6 years ago

I've installed vim-matlab for neovim and I'm able to launch the matlab server and issue command. But I can't open this editor in my matlab (currently running) and matlab is already in the $PATH.

here is the error:

E492: Not an editor command: MatlabCliOpenInMatlabEditor

Besides this (might be related). I don't have :MatlabCliOpenInMatlabEditor in my command mode. I just have these:


But I can launch :MatlabCliOpenInMatlabEdito with ,e. This happens for others as well such as :MatlabCliRunSelection. It seems that I've not these command in my nvim and I don't know why. I re-installed the plugin but that doesn't helped.

p.s. I've set let g:matlab_auto_mappings=1 explicitly to get sure. This is the only configuration I've made after installing the plugin.

daeyun commented 6 years ago

Can it be related to #20?

sadid commented 6 years ago

Yes, I can confirm the problem has been resolved by :UpdateRemotePlugins command.

p.s. I'm a vim user and I've installed neovim just for this plugin. Thanks for the great work. BTW, it might be good to notice vim users in the README file to issue this command after installation.

tdy commented 6 years ago

It was in there already, but maybe #23 will emphasize that step a bit more.

sadid commented 6 years ago

@tdy, It has been added recently and now it's perfect. It's now on both FAQ and installation.